As part of being a sponsor of my cousin Sean for his cathecism and become a full fledged catholic, I have to write him a love letter that he can read for himself during his winter religious retreat. My aunt had requested that I write him a little som'n som'n so that he won't feel left out within the army of little catholics. So here goes...
I have known you for most of your natural life. I haven't been there for many of your main accomplishments such as your first word, first step or first evil deed but I have seen how God's little creations become inherently evil. I have seen you torture animals and people, i have heard you try to drown your own cousins, or chase after your brother with a knife. I have heard you threaten to kill others. I have seen you at your absolute meanest, for now. Why then have i accepted to become your sponsor? Perhaps it's blood, or as a favor to your folks; maybe it's for my own entertainment. But what i feel deep in my heart is that I can relate to your anger. You are a spoiled rotten child who's had his way for most of his life. You are mean and selfish devoid of remorse. You annoy the shit out of me at times and would really like to knock some sense into you. But, if you peel off the obvious, what i get is that i want to be your savior.
Your folks see me as a role model; albeit i think they are misguided. I accepted, and I want to be the older brother you wish you had. My own was for shit and I wouldn't want that on you. Yours was disastrously selfish and you turned out to be like him, i hate to admit. But he's trying, and so am I. You are an adolescent now and the time for childish reasoning should be phased out. The time to learn compassion, creativity, respect, dignity and social aptitude is at hand. Who you are as a man will forever be dominated by your actions within these next few years. I can only guide, advice and most of all, listen to what you have to say. I don't want you to stay the little bitter creature that is you. I want you to be a well spoken, upstanding and compassionate human being who is capable of handling the tremendous social pressures of life. I want you to be unlike me, Sean. I love you.