82 question Meme

Jul 26, 2006 14:41

Stolen from mykkel. I even left his answer in, for kicks.

Edit: Trying the lj-cut thingie because, well, it's a good idea.

1. Elaborate on your default icon.
I do not have a default icon, if anyone can come up with a fitting icon, I’d use it.
Things that go boom. Two of my firearms. Have to take another picture soon; got lots more now.

2. What's your current relationship status?
Likewise. But not to him.

3. Ever have a near-death experience?
Yes, but I don't remember it.

4. Name an obvious quality you have?
What the ... what an idiotic question. If it's obvious, why bother? Moronic meme, anyways.

5. What's the name of the song that's stuck in your head right now?
Hate Me by Blue October 3
"Johnny rosin up your bow and play your fiddle hard", to quote from it.

6. Any celeb you would marry?
Since I have a wife, and we are not Mormon, I kind of doubt there is anyone celeb or otherwise that I’d marry now.
We'll treat this one as theoretical, as I, too, am married and monogamous.
Even so, not that I can think of. They all seem to go through spouses like I go through 6-packs of hard cide.

7. Who will cut and paste this first?
First is long gone, as is next. Last I’m guessing will be lrsmith or arbninja
Hopefully, noone. This meme deserves to die.

8. Name someone with the same birthday as you.
Sir Francis Bacon is the same day. Rogerio Ceni was the same day and year.
My (deceased) great grandmother on my mother's side.

9. Do you have a crush on someone?
Sure, it’s good to have a crush on your spouse, no?
Can you phrase that in the form of stupidity, Alex?
Maybe I'm just feeling ornery today.
Yes, I love my wife. Dorks.

10. Have you ever vandalized someone's private property?
Why, looking for tips?
Regretfully, yes. But then, I've done a lot of dumb things in my life.

11. Have you ever been in a fight?
See #10

12. Have you ever sung in front of a large audience?
Church Choir for 4 years, school choir for 2 years.
100K+, in fact.

13. What's the first thing you notice about the OPPOSITE sex?
Number of kids in attendance?
Uh ... not sure, really.

14. What do you usually order from Starbucks?
Iced tea, or if it’s cold hot tea
Coffee, black, even though Starbuck's coffee is really terrible.

15. Have you ever hurt yourself on purpose?
Guess so.

16. Say something totally random about yourself.
Ich bin mude.
I'm not wearing a bra.

17. Has anyone ever said you looked like a celebrity?
A stripper once told me I looked like the lead singer of Korn. I think she was high.

18. Do you wear a watch? What kind?
I carry a pocketwatch when my clothing allows for it.

19. Do you have anything pierced?
Left ear three times, but only wear 2 earrings.

20. Do you have any tattoos?
Not yet
Yup. And they're probably cooler than yours.

21. Do you like pain?
Not really.

22. Do you like to shop?
Sometimes yes, sometimes no.

23. What was the last thing you paid for with cash?
Dairy Queen.

24. What was the last thing you paid for with a credit card?
Uh ... not sure, really. Maybe an external enclosure for a 2.5" drive.

25. Who was the last person you spoke to on the phone?
Support representative for Symantec.
A rather annoying customer, in fact.

26. What is on your desktop background?
Both at work and at home it is default, I never see the background.
Default dell background, as my laptop recently barfed. Soon to be a picture of at least part of my family.

27. What is the background on your cell phone?
White screen
Dial pad sorta thing. Haven't figured out how to change it yet.

28. Do you like redheads?
I think redheads are attractive, but I’ve only like one of the several I have met.
Sure, though they're generally not as entertaining as some. Mallards and wood ducks are prettier, I thing, and teal tend to be more fun to shoot. Duck meat is somewhat tricky to prepare, though, which means that my preference is for other types of wild game.

29. Do you know any twins?
kyranomo is a twin.
What he said.

30. Do you have any weird relatives?

31. What was the last movie you watched?
Pirates of the Caribbean Dead Man’s Chest
Remember the Titans, I think.

32. What was the last book you read?
An Inconvenient Truth by Al Gore
Tactics of Mistake by Dickson was the last one I finished. I'm in the middle of a couple right now.

33. Did you or are you planning to go to college?
Have a BA in English Literature, planning on going back.
BSE ChE from the University of Michigan. Boy, was that a mistake.

34. What is your favorite pair of pants that you own?
My linen pants.
Jeans. Blue. With watch pocket.

35. Do you like to party?
Depends on the occasion.
Probably not in the way the question means, but yes.

36. Where do you see yourself in five years?
Hopefully happy and healthy.
Probably in pretty much the same place. Nicer house though, I hope.

37. What's the best place to eat a romantic dinner?
The Chop House in Ann Arbor is nice, so is The Earle.
Can't think of any, offhand. Enclosed porch of a cottage on the ocean would probably rank right up there, but I don't have access to any such thing at present.

38. Last time you threw up from drinking?
Can not remember, probably was during a football game.
Rumor is it happened once, but since I don't remember it, I refuse to believe it.

39. When is the last time you got drunk and danced on a bar?
Can’t say I’ve done that.
Of all the things I've done drunk, this isn't one of them.

40. Name of your First Grade Teacher?
I don’t know. I think I spoke to her 4 times that year. She was busy with the slow people in the class.
No idea.

41. What do you really want to be doing right now?
I’d like to be drinking an ice tea instead of water.
Hunting, Shooting, Riding, Fishing, spending time with the family, sleeping ... basically, most of the things for which I don't get paid. I do like my job, but it's still a job.

42. What did you want to be when you were growing up?
Chemist, One of Robin Hood’s band, a Pirate, robot-maker, and lawyer.
Don't remember, but Tarzan and Conan were probably high on my list.

43. How many colleges did you attend before you settled?
Just the one.

44. Why did you wear the shirt that you have on right now?
It was clean.
Same, plus it's relatively cool (temperature wise).

45. Gas Prices! First thought?
Glad I have a Civic Hybrid.
It's probably time for our gas prices to come in line with the rest of the world.

46. If you could move anywhere and take someone with you?
I’d take my wife and daughter and move into Mick Jagger’s house in Jamaica, preferably without Mick, his groupies, or their drugs.
Uh ... I'd take my wife and son? Not sure where - difference of opinion between me and my better half.

47. First thought when the alarm went off this morning?
Didn’t set the alarm last night, so my first thought of the morning was, fuck I didn’t set the alarm.
I don't have thoughts after the alarm went off. That doesn't happen until after I shower and/or drink a cup of coffee.

48. Last thought before falling asleep last night?
I can not remember
I think I was idly rewriting parts of John Steakley's Vampire$ novel, but I'm not entirely sure.

49. What errand/chore do you despise?
Laundry, vacuuming, dusting.
There used to be one in particular, but nothing, really, anymore. Anything I really don't like my wife has to do, so I can like pretty much anything when I consider it's helping her out.

50. If you didn't have to work, what would you do?
Learn to play bass, learn escrima, write, and volunteer with Greenpeace.
Hunt, shoot, fish, ride, sleep, learn, spend time with the family. Not necessarily in that order.

51. Get up early or sleep in?
Sleep in.

52. Your favorite cartoon character?
Tie between Bugs Bunny and Snake Eyes
Might just be Captain Caveman.

53. Favorite NON sexual thing to do at night with a guy/girl is?
Pretty much anything I do with my wife works out. Absolute favorite would probably be working cooperatively on something, though that's a bit vague, and I'm not even really sure what it means.

54. A secret that you wouldn't mind everyone knowing?
I’m sure they already know.
Well, now. Then it wouldn't be a secret, would it.

55. Your favorite lunch meat?
Genoa salami sliced paper thin

56. What do you get every time you go into a Wal-Mart or Target?
A cart.
There's no consistency.

57. Beach or Lake?
Yeah, because lakes don't have beaches. Pfft. Presumably myk has it right, and it's really asking lake v ocean. Lake, if it's one of the Greats. Probably Ocean, otherwise. Conditionally. Maybe. Depending on the local hunting/fishing/eyecandy opportunities.

58. Do you think marriage is an outdated ritual that was invented by people who died at 20?
No, but I do think that any 2 humans capable of legal obligations should be allowed to enter into a marriage contract.
I'm pretty solid in a biblical understanding of marriage. Two become one, what God puts together let no man sunder, that sort of thing.

I am, however, in favor of some sort of domestic partnership legal arrangement. At least, until everyone else sees that I am, in fact, correct.

Yup, definitely feeling ornery today.

59. Who do you stalk on MySpace?
I keep my stalking to Google
There are no trophy-worthy stalkable game animals on MySpace. AKA WasteSpace

60. Favorite guilty pleasure?
Pop music
TMNT. Comics, movies (first 1-2, anyways), not so much collectibles, though. The game was kind of cool.

61. Favorite movie you wouldn't want anyone to find out about?
Can’t think of a movie I like but am ashamed of, most know that I’m a movie whore.
Huh? Howsabout a self-defeating question?
Actually, I'm not sure there's a movie I wouldn't admit to liking.

62. What's your drink?
Non-alcoholic: Iced Tea. Alcoholic: Boddington’s Ale.
Coffee, in the mornings. For alcoholic, hard cider, Jager, LIIT. Bass, for beer.

63. Cowboys or Indians?
Dog Warriors.
Dallas over Washington any day of the week.

64. Cops or Robbers?
If it’s a super hero world, cops, anything else robbers.
Cops. Robbers are harming others for their own gain. Unless you're talking about fantasy-world Robin Hood types, which are okay, if unrealistic. I'm of the opinion that theft, no matter how small, harms everybody else around you.

65. Do you cheer for the bad guy?
Unless it’s Alan Rickman or Gary Oldman.
If I really consider someone a bad guy, I mostly cheer for the exposure of their brain to oxygen. Preferably using an implement that goes BOOM! However, "bad guys" in movies sometimes aren't, so on that basis, sometimes.

66. If you had to pick one cast member of Grey's Anatomy, which one would you be?
I’d dig being Dr. Mcdreamy for a bit.
Never watched the show.

67. What do you want when you are sick?
Sex and chicken fried rice, cures everything I tell you.
Sleep, mostly. For some reason, sunlight on my chest usually makes me feel better, too. Maybe I'm solar-powered?

68. Who from High School would you like to run into?
That guy arbninja would be interesting to talk to, oh wait I’m talking to him tonight.
Only a couple of people that I would seek out. However, I'd not avoid anyone, offhand.

69. What radio station is your car radio tuned to right now?
88.7 I think.
Not sure. I have NPR, K-LOVE, Jack FM, Nine-FM, an oldies station, and a country station programmed in. Not sure what I was listening to last.

70. Stiffler or Oz?
Depends, if it’s a hootenanny then I have to go with Oz. If this is only about American Pie characters, I have to go with Jim.
I really have no basis for judgement.

71. Norm or Cliff?
Can I pick Fraiser? No? Okay then I’ll have to pick Cliff

72. The Cosby Show or the Simpsons?
Cosby Show
Episodic, I'm afraid. I like both.

73. Worst relationship mistake that you wish you could take back?
I’d like to have gone to my own homecoming senior year.
Not taking my wife home earlier than I did.

74. Do you like the person who sits directly across from you at work?
Since I hired him, yes I think he’s a cool cat.
Yes, Yes, mostly.

75. If you could get away with it who would you kill?
To start Henry Kissinger, the next person on the list reads “elected Republicans” can’t get more specific sorry carnivore.
Oooh, the possibilities. A certain idiot Senator for Cali. A certain anti-war activist trading shamlessly on the death of her son. Any number of idiotic politicians. A number of prominent figures in the news media. A considerable portion of the population (figurative) of hollywood. Most of hezbollah. And hamas. And al q. And china. Probably a considerable number of israelis, if I knew enough about them. Many, many high-level executives, in large corporations. Anyone stupid enough to think that "terrorism" is an effective tactic. Any news figure that knowingly distorts the truth or outright lies in order to further their own world view. Quite a few members of the "christian right". Basically, anybody who tries to force their opinion on me, literally or figuratively. Add to that anyone who threatens, considers threatening, or my somebody be a threat to my friends and family. I could go on, but this is supposed to be short, I think.

76. What famous person would you like to have dinner with?
Living?? Jon Stewart and Howard Dean. Ever? Jesus Christ and Aleister Crowley.
Christ is one of the more popular answers, but I think that might be a bit daunting. Son of God, perfection, that sort of thing.
John Browning, maybe. C.S. Lewis, I think.

77. What famous person would you like to sleep with?
Ask kyranomo
If we're talking about a theoretically, there are any number of them. One-night-stand-won't-affect-anyone type of thing. Realistically, no one.

78. Have you ever had to use a fire extinguisher for its intended purpose?
I have used a fire extinguisher for its intended purpose, we needed to leave the campsite, and the fire wasn’t going to burn down before we left.

79. Do you have a teddy bear?
I don’t, my daughter does.
Actually, I think I do.

80. Strangest place you have ever brushed your teeth?
East Quad, Ann Arbor, MI
By my own definition, I've never brushed my teeth anywhere strange.

81. Somewhere in California you've never been and would like to go?
Northern California
I'd prefer to avoid the Universe of California altogether, I think.

82. At this point in your life, would you rather start a new career or relationship?
I’m good; take care of the next person.
Career, but that's a lesser-of-two-evils choice. I, too, am good where I am. Although, considered another way, I'd vastly prefer to start a new relationship (meaning, develop an additional friendship) than change careers.
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