hey well today was a topsy sturny joy ride of chills and thrils haha good times!
well im just sitting hear on my bed with cloths on my back and pants and underware and i have the smell spoild dreams in the air.....ok i think im alittle silly hahaha im silly poop poop yes i sead it poop damn it !!!! my dog wolnt stop like moving around
thats my dog and my sister anyway now im really bored and i dont wana get up for skool.I really feel like evryday i get closer and closer with salina and its soooo awsome i love her sooo much its insane!!.like just the fact that we are more than just normal b/f and g/f its more and you might think oh yeah right you dont really know.but i do know what true love feels like.I hate it when ppl try and tell me that like salina and i arnt gunna be togather forever like i say it is and like first why burst my bubble and second thing they know nothing about me and salina there is somthing more to us and i dont know about her but ill stay with her thru think and thru thin and i dont want to sound all cheese but i wouldnt be suprized if i marryed her cuz shes like the percect person for me.like it seems like we were made for eachother.like even our bodies fit togather its crazy!!! like when we snuggle we fit soooo well and thats why we call eachother spoons cuz spoos fit togather perfectly too.and like theres somthing i think thats salina and i dont know that maybe our love is ment to be and like theres sometimg happing in our brains that happenes sub cuchencely going on like maybe she is my true soul mate maybe but right now i dont wana dwell on thats i just wana think about whats going on now i mean thats what really matters right whats going on right now at this moment
its strange somtimes i forget that evry second will never happen agan i sometimes just forget that time is infinate and like will never repeat its self so maybe we should just love in the moment the time is not i am in motion with the ocean.
well im gunna go im really thursty i just want to say that i love evryone and sleep well mother earth marry meet and marry part hugs kisses byeness-cory