0C. [video] - i am a cat. i can not use this.

Jun 09, 2011 22:10

[When the video comes on, Rinzler's ... nowhere to be seen. Instead, there's a tiny, sleek-looking cat Program with his markings and coloration sitting in front of the camera. It stares obdurately at the lens for several seconds, then scrambles up to paw at the screen as if trying to type.

Sadly, cat paws are not suited to typing at all.]

«eq gjdnk ( Read more... )

video (for once), flood: a new you, rinzler is a cat, curious as a rinzler, rrr, video, ic, halp, camera traps, i am a cat i cannot use this

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Comments 33

bybloodandhonor June 10 2011, 06:01:46 UTC
Aw, lookit the wee kitty. Did a warlock get a hold of you and put tattoos on ya?


ifightfor June 10 2011, 06:07:30 UTC
[What! What's this "wee" nonsense! He's not any smaller than any other cat-Program! He sits down in front of his camera with an irritated rrrr, rucking up his shoulders to demonstrate his size.]


bybloodandhonor June 10 2011, 06:30:44 UTC
[Blazer is oblivious to the size of cat-programs, sadly.] And the wee kitty thinks he's big and strong! Aren't you cute?


ifightfor June 10 2011, 06:32:38 UTC
[djdnskdjsdjsmdks. How dare you speak to him this way, User! How--]


[...It's not his fault he needs to yell to be heard.]


scarlet_discord June 10 2011, 06:27:28 UTC

[Wanda is ignorant of Rinzler's plight. All she knows is that some kind of cool/cute/Gothy cyberkitty is trying to use the communicator, d'squee!]


ifightfor June 10 2011, 06:35:01 UTC
[Yes. Yes, he is a "kitty". He leans in toward the camera to peer at whoever's addressing him this time, ears pricked forward, then sits up erect with his tail around his paws and regards Wanda with all his feline dignity.

Gaze upon his magnificence. Bask in his regard.]


scarlet_discord June 10 2011, 10:02:46 UTC
[Apparently cat-proximity IQ droppage works with images of cats as well, because it takes her a few moments to respond. With fingertwiddles.]

Hey there! You ever thought about going into the familiar business? I'd totally go CyberGoth so we could match...


ifightfor June 10 2011, 23:04:52 UTC
[But he can't even smell her through the screen. :c Rinzler backs his ears at the fingertwiddles even though he leans forward again in reflex, then gives what's definitely a shake of the head.

No, he hasn't any idea what this "familiar" thing is about.]


(The comment has been removed)

ifightfor June 10 2011, 23:22:39 UTC
[Another proper admirer! Eddie may also bask in Rinzler's greatness.

Theft may not be tolerated unless there are yarnballs and food involved, however.]


hopeless_hacker June 10 2011, 09:13:33 UTC



ifightfor June 10 2011, 23:02:34 UTC
[Toshiko! This is the second most exciting news since his discovery of Jarvis on the network. Rinzler puts both paws up on the camera, purring hard enough to make the image shake. For her, the tiniest of greeting mews, since SHE knows enough about the care and treatment of cat Programs not to warrant shouting at.]



hopeless_hacker June 10 2011, 23:06:23 UTC
[oh god wat.]

Do you....need anything?


Tap the communicator once for yes, twice for no.


ifightfor June 10 2011, 23:20:32 UTC
[He's a cat! There's nothing wrong with him except that EVERYTHING IS WRONG HERE. Why did they build nothing with cat Programs in mind?

He gets down off the camera, putting his ears and whiskers forward as Toshiko speaks. Does he need anything? He looks away from the camera, considering something that's caught his attention elsewhere in the room.

Then he paws the communicator, once, still purring up a storm.]


creatingalegacy June 10 2011, 20:34:13 UTC
Oh hey there, little fella! I don't recall seeing you around.

[Amanda is smiling widely. It's genuine. Oh god make it stop.]


ifightfor June 10 2011, 23:26:57 UTC
[Little! Little! Why is everyone insisting he's little! It's not his fault they're giants! Rinzler flattens his ears back, tail lashing behind him as he stares at Amanda.

He's got an inkling this behavior should upset him, but not really an idea why. ...Oh well. She might make a proper admirer, though, if she can get over the whole "little" thing.

He gives a feline huff after a moment of posturing and collapses into catloaf posture, tucking his tail around his paws and looking away from the screen.]


[You have earned his temporary displeasure, madame.]


creatingalegacy June 10 2011, 23:31:09 UTC
Aw, what's wrong? Can't find your owner? Don't worry, I'll help you!


ifightfor June 11 2011, 00:40:06 UTC
[Rinzler looks back at the camera, tailtip flicking. The Look is intended to convey all of his intense disdain for this whole idea of "ownership" and "helping" but since the history of human-feline communication is one fraught with errors, he mostly just looks ... like a cat.]


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