[[I'm in a rush, so this will be sketchy]]
I'm with two folks,
blueblindbee and his father (both of whom I've never met rl, so I'm a bit curious). I've made some chance statement that has me somewhat invited along with them on their adventure. We're walking along a path with GORGEOUS mountains off to the side; I'm surprised to see them looking so close, so mountainous, so large, so purple, so beautiful ((I'm used to a smallish mountain range always being off to the East, which these were, but that's more hilly and brown/green/rolling)). We're walking along a very narrow, twisty ledge over a valley from the mountains, and where I'd originally intended to go is somewhere in that valley. However, due to chance and some interest in a cave that they've mentioned, I'm following them instead for the moment.
blueblindbee is scampering off a bit ahead and I'm noting how far down the drops are (not huge, but the ledges are really a foot to a half foot wide, then they tumble ten to fifteen feet, then a similar ledge--repeat for a good long ways).
After the first five or so minutes I'm used to the perilous edges and scampering along behind when we get to a house I'm somehow familiar with ((as if I'd house-sat for its owner before; I'm in fact so familiar with the house that it almost tells me I'm dreaming and I've dreamed this exact house before)).
We're in the house, and there's small signs of unexpected life--other people seem to be living there as well. I hope that we don't have to interact with them too much and go left into the small kitchen, which ostensibly leads out the back. I shove a pile of boxes around to get towards the back, surprised at how cleaned out this area's been; I show off the path to bbb's father, but he's not interested--he's clearing out a much larger pile of things on the other side of the room to get back to the same area. ((To each their own, I suppose.)) I move into the next area which I expect to be a small back porch overlooking sea and cliffs, but the house continues and is a larger kitchen here, not unlike Cloyne Court's (a large co-operative living environment in Berkeley).
I notice some mostly uneaten sliced bagels with cream cheese and offer them to bbb's father; he no thanks them, and I decide I don't really want cream cheese. Moving on, I find some mostly uneaten sliced bagels, toasted with butter. I worry for a few moments that they might belong to someone that's still going to want them, then shrug, and offer them to bbb's father, who declines them. However, I'm very into the butter, and munch down on one. It's oddly not nearly as toasted as it looked, more spongy than the crisp moistness I'd expected. But it's good enough.
I notice some thin glop that looks like if it were a lot thicker it would be cookie dough on the stove, with the heat off. I turn the heat on and begin stirring. People come from upstairs, another area I hadn't expected/explored in this house I'm oh-so-familiar-with, and then move off without really interacting with me. I wander into the smaller kitchen, then back into the larger one; the thin glop has turned into a thicker glop, though I can still mix it practically like a liquid--it _looks_ somewhat grainily solid, though, and is _completely_ light-and-fluffy; it's practically more air than glop.
[[I wake up]]