Because I was in the mood for giving way too long answers to short questions?
1. Would you marry for money?
The obvious answer is no I wouldn't. The less obvious and more realistic answer is that if I for instance end up marrying someone from another country, to be able to sustain him or let him get a job I may have to marry him sooner than I otherwise would. Thusly, marying for money.
2. Have you had braces?
No, though my teeth are not perfect and my wisdom teeth are sort of pushing them more askew. As long as I have a nice smile I don't think I'll go after braces. Bleaching might be tempting at some point though, I kinda like my clean looking teeth this way.
3. Could you live without a computer?
No, aside from the obvious need to connect to people I like I am also naturally far too curious to be able to go without Internet. My brain likes to be occupied even if my body is lazy as F.
4. If you could live in a different decade which would it be?
It's hard to say, I am a product of my time. But I think I would like to experience either somewhere way in the future or way in the past, to see people in a different environment. Given my non survival skills perhaps way into the future would be better.
5. Do you drink enough water?
Most of the time yes, I get at least 2 liters of water or tea. The thing is once you get used to that it's very very easy to get thirsty.
6. Do you wear shoes in the house or take them off?
I take them off. I like being very quiet when walking around and it's easier to maneuver in socks or bare feet. But on the other hand my floors are often disgustingly dirty (cookiecrumbs etc) so it should be encouraged to wear shoes. *smirkle* I hate eating with my shoes on though...
7. What are your favourite fruits?
Apples, crisp fresh Jonagold tastes like white grapes. Oh and talking about grapes, did you hear the 72 virgins in the Koran might have actually been mistranslated? In reality it says grapes (the 72 was made up). boy can you imagine all those disappointed suicide bombers?
8. What is your favourite place to visit?
My bed? The bathtub? neh I like going to family parties where there will be good food. Gezellig!
9. Are you photogenic?
Very much not so, 99% of the time I end up looking like the blob. I assure you in the mirror I don't look anything like that usually, though any added pounds on me don't make it much better.
10. Do you dream in colour or black and white?
Color, though there was a bit of black and white video in last night's dream. Afterwards I might also wonder what my brain was doing having Miles play soccer, we hate it.
11. Why do you take surveys?
Because I'm totally self obsessed and dare I say it...I amuse myself. Yes yes, I know it's terrible but if I'm anything I'm at least honest. I am actually one of those people who has laughed at a joke they made themselves! Please draw a number if you intend to place any assassinations upon my person.
12. Do you drink alcohol?
Rarely, I'm so allergic that I can't even say "drink", I sip some sometimes for taste. I do use wine and all kinds of other things for cooking and baking.
13. What is the most beautiful language?
I don't know. English is handy but I find myself drawn to a lot of Scandinavian languages. It depends on my mood.
14. Do you like being kissed when you are asleep?
Do I like someone taking something soft and moist and rubbing it on me while I'm asleep? NO, If I half wake up and smack you in the face you had it coming. I also hate being woken up. Now I am all up for some kissing experience when awake but soft wet things going bump in the night....ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! (as opposed to hard things...I like those *smirk)
15. WHAT do you like MOST: Sunrise or sunset?
Sunset is very pretty but while I am not a morning person sunrise is so lovely and calm. I don't know, i think I like both equally.
16. Do you want to live until you're 100 yrs old?
I don't see the point of a number. I want to be healthy enough to enjoy myself, after that I'll take my euthanasia please.
17. Is a flat stomach important to you?
Yes I think so, but not my own. I have never had a flat stomach and though I may work towards reducing my fat levels I probably will never have one. That is all fine by me. But I can't say I don't find it important because I happen to like men who are slender, a beer gut is a mayor turn off for me.
18. What body part of the opposite sex is sexiest?
I spend a few minutes thinking about this and I don't know. For me the sexiest part of a guy's body is a combination of skin and slender build/hips, stomach, chest. Though before my tastes changed to match my current crush's features I guess I would have gone with a man's lower arms and hands.
19. When watching scary movies are the lights on or off?
I kinda feel like staring into a strobe light in a room where only the tv is providing light so I do want to keep at least one other soft light on. Not many movies scare me, haunting documentaries on the other hand can leave me with the urge to take the cat with me upstairs...
20. Do you believe in magic?
I believe all unexplained phenomena will be explained eventually.
21. Do you believe in ghosts?
Yes, I believe seeing ghosts is not some sort of global conspiracy. I'm glad I've never seen any myself but I know people who do. Keeping that type of thing under wraps is generally a good idea so we don't go out of our way to talk about it. Personally I have smelled strange things and suspect I do get visitors in my dreams. It's an easy state for that type of communication but I don't consider them evidence for anything.
Keeping a somewhat open but clear mind prevents me from freaking out when a little girl ghost shakes me awake for example. It doesn't have to have been real, but I have had nicer wake up calls.
22. Do you like to watch cartoons?
23. At what age did you find out that Santa Claus wasn't real?
I never thought he was real, Sinterklaas on the other hand took me a while. It faded so gradually that I don't recall exactly when it was.
24. Do you write poems?
Rarely, it takes a very odd mood for me to want to do that.
25. Do you snore?
A bit sometimes I think, but that's mostly just loud breathing.
26. You sleep more on your back, front,or sides?
These days I tend to wake up on my back....arms often over my head. I can also fall asleep like that but I often prefer on my side. This morning I woke up on my side and had to flip over a bit so the cat could lay on my stomach, I like it when he does that instead of nagging me to get up at 6.30 just so he can get on my lap downstairs...
27. Would you rather have a poodle or a rottweiler?
I'd take the poodle, from what I hear they are very healthy smart little animals and I doubt anyone will be freaked out by my dog. I would like to have a big dog to feel safer out walking alone but I wouldn't choose an unreliable dominant breed like that. I'd go for some type of mixed dog who is a lapdog but intimidates people by size.
28. Are you basically a happy person?
Oh yes, though I can't say I'm an optimist I tend to find the fun in life. It has helped me through some seriously tough times. Depression is the worst thing in the world, not suffering.
29. Are you tired?
A bit yes, though cats are cute, being woken up before I'm truly ready is never a good thing for me.
30. Did you drink anything with caffeine?
I have a pot of green tea, it has some caffeine like substance in it but it is so gradually released and little that it doesn't give me any trouble like coffee would.
31. How do you take your coffee?
With milk and two sugars when I still drank it.
32. How many landline/cellphones do you have in your house?
33. Do you get along with your parents?
Hm, I had a better relationship with my mother than many other people but she had a very different personality than mine. That could lead to many frustrations, most of them on her part. Don't mess with the Scorpios *shudder*
My father is an ass, I cannot get along with him and his posturing untruthfulness. I realise I have aside from how I look quite a few of his characteristics but with me being raised right and having strong morals it has a very different effect in me. I have never wanted to take advantage of anyone for my own profit in my life, I don't see the point.
34. Do u smoke?
No one has set me on fire as yet so no, I do not spread any grey clouds.
35. Do you have a kitty?
Yups and he is a champion at being annoying. Which he makes up for by also being very cute and attached to me. I need a kitty entertainment center to put him in front of so he'll be mellow afterwards.
36. Have you ever had a birthday party?
I've had over 20 of them, most I do not remember but I am sure they were fun. It's nicer to go to someone else's birthday party though, especially with the embarrassing Happy Birthday To You singing.
37. What do you do when you're sad?
It's rare but I do cry sometimes, I'll listen to sad music, read a sad book, e-cuddle with friends who then e-kick me. It's usually not something that lasts long.
38. What do you need most now?
A shower and a good solid fuck. (speculation)
39. What song are you listening to now?
The warning sounds of some heavy truck passing around a corner, they are building houses on the next street over.
40. What are you craving right now?
winterforth ~Iflie