Since the last post nothing much happened.
Got my period so the hormones are still functioning well enough, 36 days inbetween exactly like the previous time. Who know maybe in the end (after about 16 years) I will become one of those "regular" women who can predict their cycles and can say things like OMG I'm 2 days late! before getting a pregnancy test.
I was a year late once...and I'm not an elephant so had I been the victim of divine conception I would have noticed. I'm glad I'm not one of those girls who gets one every three weeks though, my period granny panties wouldn't even be out of the laundry yet.
(and yes people who read my blog, I don't feel periods are TMI)
My catfood supply ran out so now I only have dry food for them. This has resulted in a lot of whining by Speedy, though he eats the dry food when he's hungry too. He now has directed his attentions to my food. I'll have to charter my aunt to go take me shopping at the garden/pet store. I tend to get about 12 cans of each flavor they like so I don't have to shop for those often.
Before I can let my aunt in my house and the pantry I will have to do some serious cleaning and clearing up though. It's a bit of a sty (as it is 90% of the time).
I've found that in order to keep up my confidence enough to make shopping possible I have to go out and shop about every few days, preferably more. But there is only so much I can get near here. Last trip I got dumpster stickers. I wasn't planning on it but they had kitty ones! The stickers are cat faces on a black circle so it looks as if there's a hole in the dumpster they are looking out of.
Yes, it's seriously cheesy and the cats are sort of badly drawn so they look drunk but it was a nice idea. It will also further proclaim my love of kitties around the neighbourhood to whomever puts up the tiles against the gap under my fence. I knocked them over the day before yesterday and I found them put back up the next day. Now I removed them and put them to the side on a stack. They haven't been moved back yet so I hope they got the message.
I mean who could want to keep those cuties out?
That's Speedy, who rolled over and went to take a nap after killing the sheet. His claw was still holding it so he arranged himself all tucked in.
I'd apologise for my bad taste in flannel sheets but it was my mom's and she must have bought it in the '70 when it was a sign of good taste...or something. What the hey, it's vintage! (and very soft and large). I may try to dye them one day.
Movies and series:
The 4400, kind of like Heroes, bit of x-file draped in a family drama sauce. Better than some supernatural series, not as good as others. But if you are into the type of show, go watch it. (I'm at ep 10)
The Torkelsons I started watching it again yesterday on youtube because I had seen it as a kid and I always loved the girl who was the main character. I thought she was the prettiest girl ever (or something). It has amusing quips and the old fashioned nobel sentiment I like.
I don't doubt series like that and Little House on the Prairie had a lot to do with the type of morals I have now. At the time when we were watching them I was too young to understand most of it but I think a lot of it just stuck around all the better for it. The Cosby Show, Family Ties, Who's the Boss we watched all those.
Twilight teenage vampire romance. I like romance movies like this, watching eachother and lots of grumpy guy stuff. Just like Pride and Prejudice (at least the unbutchered version). Some of the vampire effects were hilarious, like when he takes her on his back and runs up the hill, cartoonesque. I do want to read the rest of the story. The "new vegetarian" boyfriend of the sister is hot as are scenes where he visits her in her bedroom while she is sleeping.
But I can totally see when you don't like those types of elements the movie will be very thin.
Seven Pounds I heard it was suposed to be a mystery and you only find out what happens in the last part of the movie but I know within ten minutes and I'm sure others knew faster than that. Non the less a shed a few tears when it did happen. It's good fairytale material.
Slumdog Millionaire On the one hand it is a good movie, on the other it's utterly annoying. Mainly because of the neverending cruelty of the people surrounding the main character. It's exhausting.
Winged Creatures Dakota fanning is in a LOT of awesome movies, in this one she is annoying. I totally believe that is because the character is annoying, other characters are annoying too. This movie is no Man on Fire.
Road of No Return B-movie with some A list actors who should have been great in the genre. I'm not saying don't watch it. It's not Gigli or something. This is an odd mix of a great premise, 4 assassins for hire are called to work together on a few hits. Lots goes wrong and they end up with a little girl to take care of while they take vengeance.
Could have made for an awesome movie but too many people die, there is writing and acting straight out of soap opera porn in a set that looks like cardboard. They must have had a budget stretching all of 100 dollars after hiring the big names.
Twist ending was pretty good, they should make a remake and get their act together. Maybe hire Bruce Willis and some of the Die Hard writers.
The Curious case of Benjamin Button Good fairytale, don't see it if you hate Brad Pitts acting.
Australia go see it
Defying Gravity basically one of those independent almost movie students get together type of movies. The main reason to watch this is the good drag/transvestite Lola. Willam Belli is popping up everywhere as either Willa (his drag persona) or as whatever transvestite character they have written now. Nip Tuck viewers may know him as the guygirl who got his bits cut of. I haven't seen the show. Have read his blog.
A few Quote's from there;"short story- couldn't get work in nyc, moved to LA, ducttaped my nuts into a dress, got Nip/Tuck'ed, opened a business booking strippers in LA...and let's just sound it out- "will-uhm bell-eye." and "As long as there's sidewalks, I'll have a job"
Blog and pic links Nobel Son With Alan Rickman. Positives: Well he is doing a student on his desk which is a turn on if only because it's him. Negatives: Lots of annoying stuff where people get in trouble for not telling the truth again. As a whole this is a movie you can skip, even Alan Rickman playing an asshole couldn't save this one. I didn't even manage to watch all of it and I watch the occasional C movie.
ETA: Dorothy Jane mentioned her new high heels may make her rise to the very mature level of 5 feet. Ehm she is suposed to be 14, I was 5'2" by age 12 and then everyone outgrew me and I was one of the shortest. Is it normal for 14 years old females to still be under 5 feet in the US?