I have a zillion cavities and the wisdom tooth with a huge hole in it is going to be removed, AND I have to go to the jaw surgeon to remove at least one impacted wisdomtooth on the underside because it is lying on it's side and inviting infection aswell as making the molar to the side cavity prone.
The cavities I have are between my molars, so I couldn't have brushed there to prevent them but the pattern is similar to the one the dentist sees with people who drink a lot of soda...except I don't drink those anymore and haven't for years. So it's bound to be the result of my dry mouth issue from the fear and tension disorder.
Stress is really bad on your body and I've been bathing in one of the worst kinds for 7 years at least.
The visit this time also included some removal of ehm gravel? plaquestone? The stuff that's between your teeth and on the outside that they sort of chisel and sand off? That was more sensitive that I'm used to but then again my whole gums are more sensitive than years ago.
He did ask if I hadn't had many complaints because of the state of my teeth but while I have had sensitivity to hot, cold and sweet and some nagging from the wisdomteeth I haven't had the blinding not sleeping a wink aches I have heard people speak of when they have cavities. Even if I do have a deep hole that is near the nerve.
Lets hope I have insanely insensitive nerves because from now on I'll be going to the dentist once a week to get cavities filled and stuff and I have yet to hear anyone call that a breeze.
Pfft If it's all over I hope to get some sort of noticeable improvement because well, I would have been suffering for it enough. And giving up my "never had anything wrong with my teeth" status at 28. Also, I do have insurance but I'm not sure how much of this they will cover because I haven't been to the dentist in so long. *googles*
Okay, my insurance will cover things to a certain amount, 570 euros a year for regular stuff. But I will see what they bill me in a few weeks, I have enough savings I expect if they bill me personally.
Something else I have now heard about and will try is alternative mental care. It's called Dofna and deals with issues people have due to past trauma so that doesn't effect you so much anymore later. Which includes inherited things. And yups this is indeed very "alternative" so if you don't believe in things outside of what you can touch and see this isn't for you.
My aunt recommended it and it sounds like she and my uncle (who is himself an alternative healer and psychic) did agree and investigated where my issues come from and that it is indeed inherited. If you haven't read my journal for very long, I have a fear and tension disorder and my father's side of the family almost all have issues. About 99 % of the females have either needed psychological help or have even had psychosis and had to be admitted to the hospital.
With those numbers you can't convince me that it's just a coincidence and while a physical inherited weakness isn't outside the realm of possibilities I've been doing therapies and just plain hard painful work for years. I'm ready to try more things before I have to be admitted to some hospital in some far away town for months. And if this doesn't help it will not hurt either, maybe a bit in my savings but it's just two or three visits. And my aunt and uncle know the lady who does this well. My aunt did it and she said it helped her a lot.
Myeah I guess I'm going to be busy again, the dentist is sort of pleasantly disturbed so I'll be able to get along with him fine. His assistant seems nice too. The dentist himself is from some other country I can't define, his accent is both from there as Belgian. So it can be hard to understand what he's saying exactly which is sort of a new variant on my old dentist who spoke very clearly but then required an answer while he had sharp stuff in my mouth.
Also while this one may be a bit rough with the removal of hardened plaque he doesn't require my mouth to be opened so far my lips hurt.
Dentists are always a bit funny anyway. Making jokes about how I must be meaning to tell him this must be the highlight of my summer when I made faces when the sanding thing vibrated my teeth in such a way that it was almost like pain for a second. They are nice guys but I guess you must enjoy all the stuff just a little bit to be able to do the job. Ehm luckily I enjoy a bit of insanity.
As long as I don't get sick from the crazy that is.