ifonlyesterday's LJ stalker is patticusblink!patticusblink is stalking you because they heard you are awesome in bed, and they want to find out. They are also stalking you in real life. Look out!
wow today was nice. just. nice.:) tomorrow=shrek 2 with patrick, jesse, and angela. at 3:50 or 4:30 I hope jesse and angela didn't forget. .wearebreakingworldrecordshere.
I wish patrick didn't have a curfew and could stay here all summer. I want him to be rubbing gross smelling noxema stuff on my legs and neck. I want pattrickity face kissies!!!
the front half body is burniiingggg, even my eyelids.
today was nice. my boyfriend is cooler than yours. and if you don't have one, you're lucky, because if you did, mine would be cooler than yours
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