(no subject)

Sep 27, 2005 22:18

^^he was trying his little hardest to hold up his head

^^awwww. :-p

^^his hand looks so small

^^another "hand" picture.

^^I was tickling him.

^^and i was talking to him in this one.

♥ i love my baby brother ♥

on a different/more serious note....

There’s a documentary on HBO named “Children of Beslan”
And it’s about the Russian terrorist attack on September 1-3, 2004.
It’s not a bunch of adults crying and running around.
It’s focused on the reactions and stories of the children involved.
What happened was a group of terrorist usurped a group of Russians into a little school gym.
And held them hostage.
They didn’t give them water, they hung bombs up, and killed innocent people in front of them to keep them in-line.
In the documentary, a little boy claims that he was “hoping for Harry Potter to come save him.”
Another little boy said that more than anything he wanted water.
And yet, another little boy explains and points out how and where his father was tortured and murdered.
A little girl tells how her finding the Jesus Cross helped her survive and have faith through it all.
In this incident, 171 children and more than 200 adults died.
If you can honestly sit in your home,
And watch victims of Hurricane Katrina, Rita, and incidents like this,
And not cry, or at least feel the slightest bit of sympathy, or anything…
You don’t deserve to live in such a wonderful country…
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