resolved face

Jan 01, 2014 19:48

Hi, all! So.... my past year of posts fits on a single screen? Wow. A year in review summary is not exactly necessary!

I did, however, write all of two three fic and a mini-fic. First off, I have a dSSS reveal! I picked up a pinch hit for sam_gamgee's Fraser/Vecchio request and produced mornings most of all, a relationship told in the moments after waking up. I like it!

I wrote an Iron Man mirror universe fic, because apparently zeenell couldn't find any that fit the characters as the two of us read them. sideways (further from our origin). Pepper/Tony. No specific warnings beyond MIRROR UNIVERSE.

And there was an Eames/Arthur Inception fic (which I have apparently not uploaded to AO3) Hide and Seek, written for the de-aged/characters as children square of cottoncandy bingo. As you can tell, I did SO WELL at that card. I thought it would be motivating, but it turns out bingo cards are guilt-inducing rather than fic-inducing for me. The more you know!

And the tiniest of Star Trek (2009) gen fic. This isn't going to work.

In nonfic, I actually had a good year. Everyone AROUND me had scary/sad/bad years, but my personal year was pretty okay. I went to MJ and had a fabulous time! I visited my Carolina cousin and my other cousins! I got a promotion and a new old apartment! I ran my first 5k! I started going to knit night regularly and am beginning to cultivate a few new friendships as well as this whole "knitting" skill.

In the new year, I'm going to write more (whether that's fanfic, original stories, LJ/DW entries, or just allll the letters I owe). I'm going to connect more with friends, existing, and with friends, to be. Possibly with boy-or-girl-friend to be. I'm going to travel so much, my wallet is already wincing. I'm going to keep being me and, hopefully, keep being a better version of me than I was the day before.

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rl adventures, fanfic

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