I finished up A Fistful of Charms by Kim Harrison last week.
Nick given the finger, Jenks human-sized and yummy and yet STAYED FAITHFUL to his wife, jumping jacks driving vampires into a sexual frenzy... Ah, that book rocked.
Now I just need to get through book five, since I know what happens at the end of it, because I have issues with skimming the last couple pages of a new book. Kist! NOOOOOOO.
Weirdly, I'm not pissed off. Hrm, this may be because I don't know the full story. Because as I see it, the idea of Kist being without a soul makes me want to lick him even more. (This is, of course, unless he was chopped up into bitty pieces and fed to piranhas, so he couldn't come back as an undead... then I'd be sad.)
And if he is dead dead? *Shrug* Eh, she can get it on with Trent then. (Look at what LKH has done to me? I now don't get attached to an OTP, because I figure it'll get ruined... well, not fully attached, anyway.)
As long as it's not Nick in her bed, I'll be fine... probably.
I also watched an episode of Angel this last weekend that friends and I had dubbed 'one of the most boring'. That's She. Now, granted, Wesley and Angel's silly dances at the start and finish of the episode are awesome, but that's not what I'm talking about.
I'm talking about how blind I was to the point of this episode the last time I saw it all those years ago. Now, this wasn't spelled out or anything, but it seemed pretty clear once I thought about it.
Brief summary: A demon princess from another dimension is helping fellow female demons escape so that they will not have a piece of their body behind the back of their neck removed. Once it's removed, the female demon becomes passionless and submissive to the male demons around her.
If it's not clear to what I'm eluding to, I'll spell it out: Female genital mutilation.
The correlation struck me hard when I saw a female demon captured by the bad guys... and watched a piece of her physical body grabbed by a pair of tongs and yanked out. I almost burst into tears. The reaction was so strong that it made me realize why.
I don't think this episode is boring anymore. I actually feel kind of bad that I didn't take note of this sooner. But damn, what an amazing episode to watch once that's noticed.
And there are other things that happened this weekend as well, but today has been NUTS at work. And not in a good way. O_o