The long term body clock ticks off some frequency that we can't fathom. Decades go by and it really should be no surprise that we change as much as we ever did. It's not so much that it goes by fast, it's that it goes by without us really knowing. The experience of childhood's end doesn't exist, we instead find ourselves absorbed in new activities
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Comments 4
Ahh ya hadda go and say that! That happens to be bugging me.
Dimensions ... I've been waiting to use this, from Scientific American, I might try and do a post about it:
Quantum-mechanical wave functions cannot be represented mathematically in anything smaller than a mind-bogglingly high-dimensional space called a configuration space. If, as some argue, wave functions need to be thought of as concrete physical objects, then we need to take seriously the ıdea that the world's history plays itself out not in the three-dimensional space of our everyday experience or the four-dimensıonal space-time of special relativity but rather this gigantic and unfamiliar configuration space, out of which the illusıon of three-dimensionality somehow emerges. Our three-dimensional idea of locality would need to be understood as emergent as well. The nonlocality of quantum physics mıght be our window into this deeper level of reality.
I believe this is so. The apparent inconsistencies we see between quantum physics and ( ... )
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