Yeah, it's been a while...

Aug 29, 2005 14:01

...quite a while.

It's not that I haven't been around all summer. I have been, for the most part. I just hadn't gotten it together to write something yet. So I'll sum up what's been happening around here the last few months...

The BBQ mentioned in the past entry was an absolute blast, and a great way to end my time at Davis High. The food was great, the Halo 2 was fun, the one on one super soaker war in the pool full of floatables was sweet, and I saw Dogma for the first time (and laughed my ass off.)

A month or so later, I spent some time up at Alex's cabin by Lake Tahoe, my first time there (I believe.) I had fun admiring the change of scenery (a cabin in the semi-woods, a beach, and snow covered mountains all in one view!) and just generally relax. I also learned to catch craw-dads, which I found especially amusing. None of the high tech space age fishing gear with a million different kinds of technicolor bait. To catch craw-daddies, you just need a stick, some string, and a slab of bacon. Its the purest competition between man and shellfish, short of diving in there and grabbing them with your bare hands. However, this dangerous in shallow water, and the chances of being pinched much greater.

I got excited about Cal Poly all over again when we went to the summer program and I got another chance to look around. The weather there is much more to my liking than Davis (20 degrees cooler on average during these last few months). It has a similar small town feel to Davis, but has a much bigger downtown. And then, of course, there's the people. I'm looking forward to meeting lots of new people my age, without all the baggage from high school. I'm going to try to be more involved socially than I have in the past.

Back home, I've mostly been chilling out with my new laptop, a PowerBook G4. Yes, that's right. Jeremy has converted. He's a mac user now! Well, partially. I hope to build myself a decent gaming PC that doesn't double as a space heater, dust filter, or vacuum cleaner, but as it is, this laptop does everything I need it to (minus PC-only games, of course), is cool, quiet, small, and mobile. I'm not sure what the dorm situation is going to be like, but I'm sure this will do just fine for now.

I was actually semi-productive this summer. Though it took far longer than I anticipated (mostly due to laziness), I completed my remake of Frogger. It may not look much different than the original, but from the programmer's perspective, it is a vast improvement. It is cleaner, more maintainable, all that good stuff. Plus, I know more about how to do the graphics and stuff now, so it should run better on lower end machines.

Check it out.

I've been getting my adrenaline fix this summer. I sparring in karate. Man, it is fun! A bit painful at times, but that gives you encouragement to learn from your mistakes quickly. I also got into paintball these last few weekends. It's awesome. Crawling through high grass, sprinting from cover to cover, paintballs whizzing past your head or slamming into your bunker...what a rush!

I plan to take martial arts classes at the rec center and Cal Poly. Hopefully there will be a paintball field nearby, too.

That pretty much brings us to today. I finally got my braces off. Yes! Sure, I'll have a retainer I should try to wear at night, but that's nothing. I'm free! I'm done with bizarre metal contraptions pushing and pulling my teeth every which way. Granted, the results are worth it, not only in looks but in utility, but just the same I'm glad they're gone. They gave me a goody bag with chewy candy, gum, and popcorn...all the things I could eat with braces. Or wasn't supposed to eat, rather. Oh well. It's still a cute idea.

And that pretty much does it. All in all, not a bad summer, but I'm really looking forward to moving in to Cal Poly on September 10. Now that I've gotten all this out of the way, maybe I'll start updating more often.

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