Title: Thirst
Series: X
Characters/Pairings: Arashi, Sorata.
Summary: They sit on a bench and eat takoyaki.
Notes: A cute anon asked me if I was going to write any more with them, and I couldn't help but try after that? But it's seriously been forever and a day, so sorry for shakiness overall.
"A teacher, maybe." He pops the second-to-last takoyaki into his mouth and sucks on his fingers looking up to the sky. She's just asked him what he would like to be in the future. It's a bright October day. He pushes the paper tray at her. "C'mon, eat up! I've had four an' you've had two. Makes this one yours. So how 'bout you, huh? What're you gonna be when all this is done?"
She picks up the last takoyaki gingerly, between thumb and her first two fingers. She's surprised he counted. But then again, maybe not. "I've never put much thought into it." She looks at the food in her hand carefully. She's not terribly fond of takoyaki. Raises it to her mouth and bites half.
"Ace student like ya?" He's teasing. Leans back on the bench, tilts up his head. Between buildings the sky is clear. "C'mon! No way someone as pretty an' smart an' talented an' pretty as you's got no ambitions. If even an idiot like me's gotta plan-"
She eats the other half and watches the people passing on the street. They're taking up the entire bench, on opposite sides with the tray between them. Perhaps it would be more polite to move closer to him- only if someone else wanted to sit. She lets his words fall over her, not listening. The meaning is clear without the overflow. "Perhaps I'll return to Ise."
And live her life in quiet and peace at the shrine. There is an appeal to it. She misses the days of a calm life.
He groans theatrically. "So borin', neechan." She shoots him a glare that she doubts he can see. "I think you'd make a real great… secret agent." He nods. She rolls her eyes. "Dark an' mysterious an' beautiful, wearin' black an' short skirts…"
She sighs loudly enough that he can hear it, and he wisely drops the fantasy before it goes further. "I will not," she adds.
"Be a secret agent?"
"Of course that."
He sits back up now and looks her in the eye, his own eyes bright and knowing. "But you will wear sexy black skirts?"
Before she can hit him he's standing, scooping up the cardboard tray and laughing. "Kidding, kidding! Wait right here a sec, neechan. I'll buy you a juice so you don't have to hit me!"
She settles back down, a little embarrassed as he trots off towards a vending machine. Honestly. She doesn't need… watches him stare at the machine with concentration, no doubt trying to figure out exactly which drink is her favorite.
It's so annoying.
She moves a few centimeters to the left, and wonders how he knew takoyaki always made her thirsty. Well. It probably wasn't so difficult a guess.