Title: DÄ
Series: Axis Powers: Hetalia
Characters/Pairings: Denmark.
Rating: PG/PG-13.
Summary: WWⅡ. Denmark is occupied, Germany is unwilling, and Prussia just doesn't want some damn Austrian running the show. Multipart. Click
here for past chapters.
He wasn't sure wars were any better or worse than they ever had been. Only politics had changed. )
Comments 6
It might've seemed like a boring interval - and don't think for a second that I'm not pining for the next chapter - but I still liked the pace, I have to say; and his screwing up when talking to that old couple too xD
People - when the ownership of Slegsvig and Holsten was passed from Denmark - made Danish minority populations up in northern Slegsvig (they still exist to this day). People did choose national sides too, and I'm sure there probably were people migrating after that to either countries.
Tsch! I loved 'em. I especially remember the old man telling Denmark to take of his shoes, and just the fact that he didn't argue it in the least really did feel like that old 'respect for the elderly' thing coming into play. 'Twas nice~
Oh, sure there were, like I said xD But there are minorities both places as well from the split, that's what I meant.
Hahaha yes. It's even funnier since Denmark is technically a lot older than the guy is! But I think Den's feelings are like "aww citizens" and he'll just do whatever because he loves them, no matter how grumpy Hirsch is. At everything.
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