The Manliness Rating Test (brb. dying of laughter)

Sep 14, 2010 00:45

1. Has been laid.: Yes!
2. Can handle own in barfight. (Note: Using only your fists or ordinary items found in a bar): Depending on the opponent (so long as we're not talking someone obscenely more muscular) then yes
3. Can hold a decent amount of liquor.: A-actually, I think he prefers tea...
4. Is stoic about grievances.: Sometimes, so it's 50/50
5. Can crack a smug remark during a battle (Note: Popculture references do not count): No
6. Shows backbone when someone pushes them around.: Yes... unless it's Riza.
7. Would tell Clark or any other godmod hero to stfu/ignores him if they tried to put them in the kitchen: Yes
8. Has a voice deeper than Allen's*: PFFFFF! Yes, though sometimes he squeaks.
9. Does not get emotional over chick flicks: Oh come on, that stuff's for bad dates.
10. Has at one point lost either a body part or obtain a badass scar.: Yeeeeah, he even did it himself, too!
11. Adept at using manly weapons, such as a gun, kungfu or sword? (weapons that are seen as badass without needing to show a demonstration or explained in-depth): Guns, yes... but the girl is better.
12. Has knowledge and skill in either hunting or fishing: Only in terms of warfare, information gathering and baiting enemies, though he does get the mechanics!
13. The terms headshot or decapitation can be used to describe your fighting style: No... that's also the girl.
14. Do you have visible hair not on top of your head? (arm hair does not count!): No... and he's not taking his pants off to MAKE anything visible, either.
15. Could your character survive in the wilderness without powers or technology?: Yes.
16. Can stay calm/keep their head in the most stressful situations: Yes... unless someone close to him is involved, then no. It's about a 50/50 deal.
17. Can win arm wrestling matches without superpowers OR going up against 5 year old girls: Yeah, possibly.
18. Can you ride a horse and/or drive something manly like a ship or motorcyle? (cars don't count!): Contrary to his name, he's not much for horses and all he drives is his car... so we're gonna go with no.
19. Can you still be badass while wearing pink and/or ultra girly/cutesy articles of clothing? (I'm talking pink lace girls): Yeah... and he'll look ridiculous while doing it.
20. Do you like steak?: It's probably the only thing he's GOOD at cooking!

BONUS QUESTIONS (note, these cannot HURT your score but can only help):
1. Are you swift as the coursing river?: Only when he's running like hell from something that wants to EAT HIM!
2. Do you have all the force of a great typhoon?: Maybe not a great one, but a slightly smaller one... yeah.
3. What about the strength of a raging fire?: HE IS WALKING INCENDIARY!
4. Mysterious as the dark side of the moon?: DURRRR1 HE ARE DOGS AND MINISKIRTS!!111!ONE~♥! ...unless you happen to actually be close to him... which is all of maybe seven? eight people?


[Sample of Allen's voice (the one with white hair)]


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