ultimate photo entry

Aug 15, 2008 09:44

Sooooo here are some photos from my trip (but the first one is just funny and i only just scanned it. its from easter) The photos are made up of my polaroid photos... my digital photos and photos that i took usin gabe's camera which i stole off his flickr. Thanks gabey!!


I was lazy, and i didn't take ANY photos for the whole week i was up in seattle. hahahaha.

Sound&Fury was all about hang outs (As most fests usually are). Here are the photos from that weekend.


The venue inside. While there was shitloads of amazing bands to check out... to be honest, the sound was soooo shithouse. Concrete floors and hard walls, and irregular ceiling does not cater for good sound.

Joey (amazing dude)

Australian reunions:

Andreas and I (he has candy wrappers on his eyes)

Pete and I

Gabe and Kain

Oscar and I

Walkin to the liquor store for gabey to get some grog.


Now onto random photos of S&F.

Before the show started

I'm a sexy bitch

i will take your photo with my polaroid... if you are lucky.

I thuoght this was awesome... cause it was saturday... and his socks matched. hahaha.

Pete and Greg

An AMAZING car (notice the straight edge sticker!!)

Gabey after he had a little mosh

Sinking Ships last show :(

Paul (another amazing guy)


Me (workin at the merch table) - how the hell did i get myself into that?!?!

After the fest, i went back down to LA, and stayed with a guy called John (originally from seattle but now living in LA), paul and danny. I got this beauty of a photo of Danny sleeping. awww. (His lips are all swollen from having a busted up mic being slammed into his face from kids.

I then met up with Kain and his friend Joel, and headed to vegas.

I thuoght this sign was funny. Stupid hippies

Fancy McDonald's sign

Where we stayed (circus circus)... a place that had like, a rollarcoaster inside. pretty sick.

The room

These like, free newspaper stand things, were ALL over Vegas, and ALL filled with porn.

Hello cocacola polarbear!

After leaving Vegas, i made my way to Huntington beach and we had a bonfire at the beach.

hello gabe!

hello joey, corey and oscar!

The next day, there was a show in San Diego... Rise&Fall, Alpha&Omega... at the Che Cafe.

My friend adi picked me up from the show (since he lives in san diego, and i chilled with him for a week). We got free tickets to the San Diego zoo, since he has a friend that works there.

hello adi!

we made an amazing breakfast (tons of different types of melons, and berries, and oooh it was so nice)

photos from the zoo!!

albino snake

the hippos are seriously the best thing in the world


My film is crap

The view outside adi's house. (kind of makes it look like im in the 60s but)

A funny "star trek" motorbike thing

Me being cold at the beach and hungry...

But then while in cali, mainly ate mexican food and burgers. nom nom nom

After San Diego... back to huntington beach, and the 6131 household.


Joey (not that he lives there anymore...)

Group shot!

And finally.... greg took me to Bradley's grave... (sublime singer's grave)

the end. wheewww. that took a while!!

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