Title: One Difference Author: Urplesquirrel Rating: PG, for the use of the word "bastard." Warnings: None really Summary: One thing different would have made me the one sitting alone on the bed, crying in the dark.
You caught the essence, alright. :) Fav lines would have to be :"This is completely wrong. He’s supposed to be an obnoxious, annoying shrimp. He’s not supposed to cry. He’s not supposed to make me think about how one thing different would have made me the one sitting alone on the bed, crying in the dark."
Spotted one typo, and thought you might like to know: "Only one person can give mom that particular that particular look on her face." You only want to use "that particular" one time. ;)
Comments 2
Spotted one typo, and thought you might like to know: "Only one person can give mom that particular that particular look on her face." You only want to use "that particular" one time. ;)
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