Open your music player on your computer, load your playlist, and hit play. Write down a line from the first 15 songs listed, but don't use the song title. See if anyone can figure out the which song it is.
1. You should of seen, the curse that flew right by you. Page of concrete.
2. And I think it's gonna give me a heart attack. Acting like a broken record skippin' every track.
3. I do as you say not as you've done.
4. I'm feelin like Im do for a miracle. Im waiting for a sign.
5. Happy birthday, to me. The forgotten king.
6.Clothed by space.We are aware of this and we can all agree that we are seen by the light
But I’m beat to death
7. Sing the high notes touch his hand.
8. In the middle of a gunfight. In the center of a restraunt.
9. I hope that someone gets my message in a bottle. Message in a bottle.
10. I dont know whats worse. Waiting or the waiting room.
11.I had the whole world in my hands but I gave it away. Gave it away!
12. To mold a new reality closer to the heart.
13. Im so far gone now Ive been running on empty. Im so far gone now. Do you wanna take me on.
14. As a flower! Eases its was through the sidewalks I SEE IT.
15. These knuckles break before they bleed....
no one will know.