current clothing: my blue&white striped shirt, white belt jeans and socks.
current mood: annoyed.
current taste: frosting. i need to brush my teeth..
current hair: the norm ugly bees nest shitty shit shit.
current annoyance: jake asks too many god damn questions
current smell: pizza
current thing you ought to be doing: sleeping
current jewelry: h&h bracelet, 2 rings and the bracelet jolene made me.
current refreshment: vitimin water =)
current worry: the end of summer
current crush: no.
current favorite celebrity: adam brody<333
current longing: to not feel all sick and gross anymore.. and to go to the beach
current music: death cab for cutie
current wish: to be at the beach
current undergarments: my polkie dot undies and my striped bra.. ya i sure know ow to match
current regret: acting like i like people.
current desktop picture: pink thing with stars
current plans for tonight/weekend: ice cream?
current cuss word du jour: huuh
current disappointment: ohhh the wonders of alcohol.
current amusement: this red sharpie.
current IM/person you're talking to: jakes the only other retard online at 4 53 in the morning.
current love: nope
current obsession: my new hello kitty backpack
current avoidance: getting too close to someone i know i shouldnt.
current thing or things on your wall: pictures and junk
current favorite book: ef reading
current favorite movie: my drive thru dvd