
May 07, 2009 09:12

Why you haven't heard from me in a while.

So, I had this job. It was pretty demanding, and kept growing, but I kept it at part time so I could get comp time for the 90 hour weeks and have the flexibility to do stuff with my children. It went from just me, working as a contractor, to directing an office of four of us, and right now with the longer-term contractors and temps, it's about 10.

Now, last summer I got my head hunted by a national company. I'm the first person the founders have brought in and allowed to go solo under their banner. They are old friends with a close relationship, and they've been doing this for fifteen years, so, y'know, no pressure or anything. This means I travel at least once a month, sometimes two or three times, plus a lot more work associated with the workshops and seminars I do for them. I know now why consultants on-site rates are so high: the prep work that is not on the clock.

Now, I am 50% at each job, which each currently need more than half my time.

In the mean time, we put our house on the market. This included three intense weeks of packing, cleaning, repairing, changing, etc., etc. And it was all while I had work deadlines. The good news is, we have a buyer, and the home inspection is next week. We also found a house, and our home inspection is next week. The latter takes place on a day I had blocked on my schedule to work on the two-dozen critiques I have to write in advance of my on-site workshop this month in Wisconsin.

[stop to send two emails and check on the status of the file search on the remote server in CA]

My kids are playing baseball and softball, so between the two of them we have at least three games a week.

Oh, and moving should be the first week of July, and we have about $20M in deadlines July 17.

So, my life. I check in here, but don't expect much unless I need decompression. My Can't Talk About It issues are getting even more serious, so I'm not sure what I can decompress about. Seeing truck nuts for the first time? The horrifying fashion choice of two very different florals on someone who was not a small Chinese woman (who for some reason can pull it off, like their husbands in the plaid pants and Vans)? Who knows what I'll do as the pressure rachets up. I'm working on my Zen.

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