hatred-loaded post.
read it at ur own risk. NO JUDGEMENTS ALLOWED.
whenever W mentioned ur name
whenever ur profile pop up in fb
whenever i see ur fugly face
whenever i see ur bf
i tot i've moved on
i tot i could ignore
i tot i could be magnanimous and smile to u when i see u
i couldnt
when i see u, i would ALWAYS have the urge to give u a one tight slap
u might say that im petty or i bear grudges or whatsoever
dun pretend to be a kind person when u are not, a kind person dun say this type of stuffs..unless that mouth is not urs, which i think it's not true at all cuz it totally suits ur fugly face
IF u're the one who received such comments, i think the fuss that u'll create would be a mountain higher than i did.
oh wait!
i din create a fuss. i was angry, FURIOUS, full of hatred, but i din give hell to others. i grumbled here and there, i told some that i F-ing hate u. that's all. if u think that that's "fuss". whatever.
i know u would be able to do much better than i did at "fussing"
aren't u honoured?
i dedicate an entire post to u
an entire post full of hatred and anger.
and u know what. i dun need to bring hell to u cuz u would bring it to urself.
the way u treat u treat others, karma will come soon. just u wait.
i know this is like a similar post to the other one i wrote feeeeew months back.
but i just couldnt swallow the anger
pls do not say things like "why cant she just kan kai?" "why does she keep talking abt this" why this why that
stop that, u are not me.
i just needed a place to rant, and this is it.
this is MY blog. MY entries.
and, look again at the top! it says igrumble. I GRUMBLE.
at least i feel much better now.