this was the beach. every day. it was really nice, but i only went there a few times. it gets boring.
this was in a silver shop on an island near playa del carmen [the place we were staying] note to all future silver shop oweners: don't use depressed middle-aged men or asian vampires when displaying picture frames.
there were a lot of these iguanas. i love them.
matt's pretty fucking badass. joice [my sister] is just weird.
my dad is way too badass.
there were chickens and the broken bathroom [below] next to the place were we rented the mopeds. it was strange, so i took some pictures.
so jocie was riding on the back of matt's moped. they stopped to look at a map, and then moved forward about 5 feet to come up to the limit line for the stoplight. they tipped over and jocie's leg got stuck under it, but he right leg was on top...on the exaust pipe. she tried to pull it off about 4 times, which gave her all those burns. there are pictures of it later. it wasn't nice, but not matt's fault at all.
creepy completely empty room except for puppets. what the fuck.
this was the creepy shop owner near the moped place we were waiting at. he had an apron for sale and decided to demonstrate what it did.
matt's damage to the moped
the beaches in cancun were really really nice, but it was outside of a resort, so not many people were out there
stupid "jade jaguar" throne thing on the inside pyramid. i didn't go in because you had to wait like a 1/2 hour before you could go up the steps. there was only a certain amount of air in the thing, so only 25 people could go in at a time.
a stone carving that some people believe is a viking because of his beard, while others believe it's jesus. the latter use it to back up mormonism.
jocie's leg 3 days after the...incident.
it was really really fucking hot that day. these dogs didn't move at all.
same iguana.
there was a protest or march or something in one of the shitty towns we were driving through. it may have been for the gubernatorial election coming up. we were too late to read the signs and banners the people had, though. there were a few other vans and vw bugs with pa systems attached to the tops of them with either someone talking about the government or music playing out of them.
this guy was windboarding or something. it was awesome. he got something like 25 feet of air a few times.
Xcaret will be later. it's this ecopark, kind of like a zoo, kind of like marine world before it got six flagsified. there are like 80 pictures of that. it was the 2nd best day, behind the moped day, and i had the camera.