LOL, fandom, you take everything waaaay too seriously, AKA HATERS GONNA HATE!

Aug 23, 2010 14:13

LOL, seriously fandom, I have lost almost all faith in you. Every now and again I see a glimmer of hope, a silver lining, if you will, but then it all just goes to hell right afterwards. But you know, maybe that's one reason why I love it so much. XD

You know you seriously got to someone when they not only tell you that you get off on little girls being raped, but when they also equate you to Hitler and say that you have 'hate throughout your body' on the level Hitler had for the Jews....
I mean...LOL WUT?! XD
That was the initial reaction from me. Actually, I'm still LOL'ing over it. That's perhaps the best insult I've ever received. Not because I think it's cool to be called Hitler or anything, no, it's just that the assertion is so WTF-off the wall that I can't help but love it. As to why I was charged with being like Hitler among other things?

Pairing difference.

Oh yes, this girl was such a cute little thing. Possibly the best hater. Ever. Fer srzly.
Granted, I have no room to call others haters -points at username- but still. I actually don't hate Sasuke, and I certainly don't hate anything as much as Hitler hated Jews. Just no. =/

But goodness, did that whole exchange make my day. You know what's sad though? I was even being nice to them at first. I told them I liked their video and they did well on it, and it's not like I went in flaming or anything. I was just curious. Apparently they didn't take too kindly to my inquiring, lol. XD

Oh, and apparently my hobby is perusing through pairing videos and 'yelling' at people who make them.
Like I said earlier...wut? XD

Altogether this is a moment of: Fandom, I love and hate you. You're a terrible thing. XD 

haters gonna hate, life, fandom

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