Who: Angel
ihaveasoul and River
bitsandfluidsWhen: Um…4th of April >> Yeah.
Where: Dienw then random field of fieldliness
What: River and Angel sparring while River was still a vampire, and generally talking and stuff.
Why: Oh god, I can’t even remember, it was ages ago. We did it. Before and during
this Angel sighed as he knocked quietly on the door of his son's room, a mug of warmed up blood in his hand. "River?", he spoke against the wood, "I've got some blood for you, you should eat something"
A click could be heard as River unlocked the door, slowly peeking her pale face out. "Don't want more fluids...makes me want to sink my teeth in," she mumbled, though her eyes were drawn to the mug of blood anyway.
"Yeah, it does that at first", said Angel, watching her carefully, "Only way it'll get better is if you drink plenty, though"
"Only way to get better is if it goes away." River reluctantly took the mug anyway, making a face before drinking it down and trying not to gag. She didn't know how people could eat meat, much less drink human blood. It made her feel like a Reaver.
"Yeah, well, here's hoping it will go away soon", Angel watched her, "I know it's not easy, River"
"It's not...don't wanna be a monster. Stirs up the weapon inside...so strong, don't want to kill..." River set the mug down, glancing away and wrapping her arms around her knees.
Angel sighed, crouching down, putting a hand on her shoulder. "You're not a monster, River", he pointed out.
River rolled her eyes, though she obviously appreciated the gesture. "No, just a blood-sucking vampire who was already crazy to begin with," she muttered, glancing at the blue walls around them.
"You are aware you're telling this to a blood-sucking vampire with a psychotically violent multiple personality disorder, right?", Angel smiled, arching a brow.
River blinked. "It's not the same. You had a curse. And were actually turned," she replied, getting up so she could pace around the room. She hated being locked in, but she knew it was for her own good. Even though there was a sanctuary spell downstairs, she knew she would be tempted by all the bodies, and she didn't know if even a spell like that could hold her once she lost control.
"True", Angel nodded, "But the biology is still the same. I've brought up five fledglings in my time, I'm used to the signs"
River paused in her pacing to smile a little at him. "It's all biology, isn't it? Just physical...still have the little warmth inside." That thought was comforting, at least. If she was actually like a normal vampire, she would have no qualms about attacking anyone.
"A soul?", Angel asked her, before smiling, "Probably, you haven't tried to eat Manabe yet, and I'm tempted to do that WITH a soul, so you're doing well so far"
River nodded, tucking a few strands of hair behind her ear. "if I didn't have one I don't think anyone would be safe...not that anyone is now," she said quietly. Her control was barely hanging by a thread as it was.
"You're safe here, River", Angel promised, "And if it gets bad, we'll move you downstairs, the sanctuary spell is unbeatable, believe me, we tested it, a lot"
"Not worried about me, worried about them...and I have a tendency to beat unbeatable things when I need to," River pointed out.
"Not this, I promise", Angel gave her a small smile, "The Furies...they're something else, something deep. Nothing'll beat that spell unless Lorne gives them the go-ahead to break it"
"Hope you're right," River mumbled, glancing down at the floor. She really wanted nothing more than to be put to sleep, but Simon wasn't there. "....Will you fight with me?" she asked hesitantly.
"I know I am", Angel smiled, before blinking, "Fight how? Spar?"
River nodded. "Monster needs to play...it boils inside and I need to hit something that's not a wall," she replied awkwardly, gesturing to the dent she'd made in Connor's.
Angel smiled and nodded. "Sure, we'll have to go somewhere remote, just to be safe, but Fluffy can get us somewhere like that in a few minutes"
"You sure? Might tear you apart into little pieces," River warned him, entirely serious. She didn't know if Angel's vampire strength could stand against her own combined with her new powers.
"Won't be the first time someone's tried", Angel shrugged, "Vampires don't live as long as I have without being pretty durable"
"Let's go for a ride. I don't want to be in here anymore, it's all closing in." River wandered over to Angel, hoping they wouldn't run into anyone on the way up to the roof.
"Yeah, you need to get some freedom", said Angel, smiling and leading her up to the roof, where Fluffy glanced over at them, crooning softly.
River nodded, following Angel and petting the dragon lightly when they reached it. "I would say this was a nice breath of fresh air, but then there would have to be breathing involved," she sulked.
"Good point, I didn't like the breathing thing when I had that brief human stint", Angel shrugged, as the dragon nuzzled her softly, "Got used to not having to do it at all".
He whistled low and Fluffy lowered his head, Angel climbing onto the back of the dragon's neck, offering a hand for River.
River rolled her eyes, climbing up on Fluffy's back with ease and grace on her own. The chivalry thing was nice every once in awhile, but she was starting to get a little tired of it. "It's strange, when something goes away and you realize you never really thought about it until it left," she murmured thoughtfully.
Angel coughed and shuffled a little, then nodded. "Yeah, my big thing was scent", he said, clicking the dragon into the air with a big sweep of his wings, "Really missed having a vampire sense of smell. It's a big thing for us, scent"
"I noticed~. It's nice, but I'd trade it for a heartbeat any day," River replied, shifting a bit herself to get comfortable on the dragon.
"To each their own", Angel chuckled as Fluffy flew off, heading out of the city, "It was driving me nuts, not being able to smell Spike"
River made a face. "I'd rather not smell Connor and Xander like I can...I can already feel them, and sometimes even that's too much..." She promptly blushed at that, remembering the other night when Xander had explored Connor's female side in the room next door. She'd been able to feel it quite clearly despite her questionable state of sanity.
Angel cleared his throat awkwardly. "Yeeeaah, rather not think about that, I'd like to keep imagining my son as a baby, makes me less twitchy"
Fluffy banked left, finally getting to more secluded and open areas, dropping to the ground with surprising gentleness for a creature of his size.
River's blush deepened when she remembered that she was talking to Connor's father. "Dahng rahn," she replied awkwardly, sliding off the dragon with ease and taking a look around the area.
"Don't worry about it", Angel smiled, climbing off and patting his neck, Fluffy wandering off to chase a small flock of sheep. "Don't eat more than two", he told the dragon as he wandered off, then looked at River, "Out of the way enough?"
River nodded, a little wary at the thought of Fluffy snacking on helpless sheep, but otherwise far more comfortable than she had been in Connor's room. "Everything's clearer out here," she murmured, mostly in reference to the lack of noise in her head that being surrounded by people in Dienw and Caritas brought. It made it easier to focus on controlling her new inner demon.
"I figured as much", Angel nodded, "Does empaths to world of good to get away from too many people once in a while. Of course you try telling Lorne that"
"He's in his element with people~. I think he would go crazy by himself," River hummed, taking the opportunity to stretch a little. She'd been curled up in a ball in the corner of Connor's room for too long.
"Probably", Angel nodded in agreement, before offering her a smile, "Feeling a bit better?"
"Yes~. Vampire still wants to play though," River replied, nodding.
Angel offered her a smile. "Sure, happy enough to spar with you", he said, "Been a while for me, really...well, a few weeks"
"I know~." River wondered what sparring with Connor would be like, and figured that given how their painting session ended up they probably wouldn't get much in the way of fighting done.
The vampire arched one brow. "You do, huh?", he asked, "That obvious?"
"Not just an empath," River reminded him.
"Good point", Angel shrugged off his jacket, folding it and putting it on the ground.
"Ready whenever you are," River said in a singsong tone, feeling both monster and weapon inside of her stir at the thought of a potentially good fight.
Angel let his face shift, his forehead creasing, his eyes yellowing, his teeth lengthing to fangs as he gave a grin. "Ladies first"
River vamped out at that as well, growling a little. "Cut the gorram chivalry niou-se, I'm no lady," she replied, the brat in her refusing to go first now.
Angel chuckled low at her spunk, the sound a bit deeper in his throat than usual. "My mistake", he replied, before growling, charging at her.
River rolled her eyes, meeting his charge instead of dodging to the side like she easily could have. This was different from her session with Wufei...she didn't have to worry nearly as much about hurting him. She matched his attacks with speed and grace, moving like a combination of Slayer and dancer.
Angel noticed the Slayer-like movements and compensated for them, ducking especially hard looking blows when he could, moving with an agility which someone who didn't know what he was would have thought he couldn't manage for his size.
River's mind was entirely on the fight, letting herself go just a little bit as she attacked Angel and he essentially became her punching/kicking bag. She laid him flat onto the ground with a sweeping kick after a few more moments, and smirked down at him.
Angel made a 'oomf' sound as he was dropped onto his back, before chuckling ruefully. "You're good", he allowed, then grinned catching her leg between his ankles, twisting and bringing her to the ground, jumping back to his feet once she was down. "But you're still young"
"Not that young," River hmphed, back on her feet just as quickly as Angel. "Buffy beat you when she was even younger," she reminded him, attacking again.
"Technically, she drove a sword through my middle and sent me to hell", said Angel with an annoyed grump, meeting her blows, "Different thing"
"Still beat you~. I could do that too, if I had a sword. Not that I'd want to," River replied, noticing how much easier fighting was when she didn't have to breathe. Maybe there were some advantages to this being dead thing.
"That makes me feel a bit better", Angel chuckled, "Way too many people want to run me through with sharp objects. It's a little unsettling"
River grinned. "Wouldn't want to kill you, unless you were doing evil things. Generally not good form, killing your boyfriend's father."
"I seriously doubt Connor would mind much", said Angel with a frown, "In case you haven't noticed, I'm not his favourite person"
"That doesn't mean he wants you dead," River replied, rolling her eyes and easily continuing to spar despite the ongoing conversation.
"He clearly didn't tell you about the time in the ocean with the box", said Angel, ducking one blow and throwing another.
"I saw it~. But he's different now. You're different. Just trust me on this." River's tone was of a no-nonsense sort as she blocked Angel's attack. She felt like she could keep going all night at this rate, though they would have to be back before sunrise.
"I doubt there's going to be hugs and father-son fishing trips on the cards", sighed Angel, as he moved.
"I don't know....have you tried asking him?" River suggested, tilting her head a little.
"Again, have you not seen the way our conversations usually go?", asked Angel.
"You could just ask him in the beginning of a conversation, instead of waiting until you end up arguing over something," River pointed out.
"I'm not good at the...", Angel waved a hand vaguely, "Talking"
"You want my help?" River replied, taking the hand and using it to flip him over again.
Angel yelped as he twisted and hit the ground, chuckling. "Clever", he said, before shaking his head, "Don't get yourself between us, Connor needs people he can trust, there aren't many he does"
"Not between, just around. Little nudges. He needs to trust you too." River offered Angel a hand back up, grinning at the compliment.
Angel accepted the hand with a smile. "Yeah, I know he does"
River's own yellow eyes sparkled in the dark. "So I can help? I want to~. Don't like seeing families apart." It reminded her too much of her own father and Simon, despite the fact that they were on completely different levels.
"Hey, I'd welcome any help you can give", Angel shrugged, his face shifting back to the human guise he was more comfortable with, "So long as you don't end up with him pushing you apart at the same time"
"Won't let him," River replied stubbornly, not bothering to change back. A bit of space and a punching bag had done wonders for her clearing her mind, and she was starting to realize that it really wasn't so bad. Different, yes...but not necessarily a bad kind of different.
"He's pretty stubborn, you know", Angel chuckled, a small smile crossing his face, "He gets it from his mother"
"Darla." River nodded, before tilting her head a bit. "You're very stubborn too, sometimes," she pointed out.
"Oh, I know I can be", Angel laughed, "But Darla, hooo boy, when she put her foot down, she made a dent in the floor"
River smiled as she recalled some of Darla's more stubborn moments from watching the series. "Connor is very lucky," she said quietly.
"Lucky?", Angel cocked his head curiously, "How so?"
"He has a father that loves him very much...and a mother that did," River replied simply, shrugging her shoulders.
Angel smiled a little. "Yeah, he does", he said softly, "I wish he could see that, but after everything that's happened to him, I can't blame him for not seeing it"
River hugged him comfortingly. "He will. Just give him time."
Angel blinked for a moment, before awkwardly hugging her back. "Thanks, I hope so", he murmured, then looked at the sky, "We better get back before the sunrise. If you concentrate, you can smell it, kind of smells like musk"
River closed her eyes, nostrils flaring a bit as she inhaled the scent from the air. "It's coming," she agreed, nodding again.
Angel smiled and whistled, Fluffy stomping over to them. "Always a handy trick, that, help you from getting caught out", he said as he climbed onto the dragon.
"Good to know~. But I don't think this is going to last much longer, anyway." River paused a moment, as she hopped up onto Fluffy. "You know, I think I'm going to miss it."
"You're going to miss being a vampire?", Angel clicked the dragon into the air as he headed back towards the flat, "Well, I guess I can relate, after that time I was human for a little bit, but that had more to do with being scared of losing Spike more than anything". He glanced over at her. "You should enjoy life, it's a good thing"
"I do," River reassured him, petting the dragon's scales as they flew. "But this isn't so bad either, as long as I can control it," she explained.
Angel sighed, glancing ahead. "You say that now, but after a century or so, when you start outliving everyone, that's when you'll miss it"
"Understandable." River replied as she watched the clouds go by. "It gets lonely, doesn't it?"
"Yeah", Angel glanced over his shoulder at her, offering her a smile, "I got lucky, I have another vampire for company, one I've known forever anyway. But yeah...it gets hard seeing friends come and go"
"I know," River said simply, thinking back to Wash and Book. Not that they had really ever been friends, in the traditional sense of the word, but...she missed them. She could only imagine what that would be like multiplied over the centuries.
He tilted his head, before sighing, bringing Fluffy back down onto the roof. "But hey, look on the bright side, this probably isn't permanent"
"It isn't permanent," she confirmed, nodding. "I can feel it. It's hard to explain, but...it's not supposed to stay."
"Well, you do have that knack for knowing what's going to happen", chuckled Angel, "Only had that seers thing once, and I'd rather not do it again"
River shrugged. "Not a seer, not technically. I just...calculate the probabilities and possibilities."
Angel blinked. "That's definitely Fredtalk"
"I know~." River smiled, tucking a few loose strands of hair behind her ear before hopping gracefully off the dragon. "Thank you," she said sincerely.
"Was that for me or the dragon?", Angel arched a brow.
"For you," River replied, laughing. "I needed that."
"Anytime", Angel smiled, "Was nice to let off some steam myself"
"I'd like to do it again when I'm not a vampire anymore," River said thoughtfully, wandering toward the stairs. The smell of sunrise was making her a little anxious to get back inside.
"Sure thing", Angel nodded, "From what Connor says, you can hold your own without vampirism". He glanced at the sky, then followed her back to the stairs.
"I bet I could take both of you on," she challenged, wondering if that would actually be possible without it turning into Angel and Connor fighting each other instead of her.
Angel blinked, then shrugged. "Yeah, last time I did that with Connor, I had a chip put in my brain so they could turn me back into Angelus", he frowned, "Not over keen on doing that again"
"Good point," River hummed, sensing his feelings on the matter. "Never mind then. You should sleep," she suggested.
"Yeah", Angel smiled, "Before someone who shall not be named has a hissy fit because I haven't been to bed yet"
"Yes, you wouldn't want to anger Voldemort," River teased, wondering what Spike's reaction would be if she called him that.
Angel smirked. "Oh he has a thing about not being considered the most gorgeous undead thing on earth, he sulks if you say his roots are showing", he smiled, nodding his head, "Night, River"
"Goodnight," River replied, readjusting herself to the audible and mental noise of the building before wandering off to Connor's room.
Angel watched her go, before slipping off to the room he shared with Spike.