"A Crazy Little Thing Called Love"
i don't know if almost everyone had watched this already, but to those who haven't, this movie is LOVE <3
its a thai film and its about a girl who's ugly and a boy whose oozing with CUTENESS lol
yeah, i know its the common high school love story but IMO it has a twist *i said IMO*
this movie was recommended by my English teacher when we're doing a film review
but i only had the chance to watch it this summer
its a must-watch movie :DDD
the leading lady is SOOOO BEAUTIFUL
as for leading man ........ *BRB, trying to wipe my drool*
(leading man: mario maurer)(leading lady:pimchanok lerwisetpibol)
okay, where was i?
oh right, anyway, watch this guys
PS: no, MAO is still my ichiban :)