Now I have pictures from the Archery state championships, at which I took home second place in female cadet olympic, and first place in the clout shoot.
^The closet you're gonna get to seeing me shoot. The arrows are pointing to my stabilizer. Alyson^ was in my division.
^This is where I shot. I am somewhere in that group of people, going to score arrows.
^One of the lines. I thought that was a rather impressive picture.
^ Me with my second place trophy. Baaaaaadddd hair. It was SO windy that day.
^Liz, Jesse, Emma, Don (My coach), Me, and Corey. We all go to the archery barn.
^The whole kitten caboodle. Well, some people are missing. Including me.
Yeah, so that's one of my hobbies, archery. I'm going to the empire state games on the 27, I'll get picture of those. Sooo excited.