Well, last night Peter and I went camping on Lion's Rock, which was too much fun. It was so cold though. We woke up this morning and there was frost on the ground. Plus, I peed in the woods without peeing on myself....yes!
-I love the new Death Cab cd so much. just to let you know. Plus they're having a show at Whitman on the 5th of October, if anybody is interested
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Well, the move to Ellensburg went well. I was able to fit my couch into the apartment (yes), all of my clothes fit (plus room for more...yes yes!!), and I'm almost all set up (yes yes yes
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I can't believe I'm moving on Friday. that is insane. I'm super excited beyond belief. I can't wait to hang out with Jenny, Traci, Leigh, and Sean, and everybody else. It will be grrrreat! I have to pack most of my stuff today since I'll be working long days at school this week. so, in other words....time to pack before I hang out with Kir and Jon.