Notes: two ficlets, written for
blinkiesays (Yen Vi), based on the prompt: "governor, paperwork, mind-numbing, excavation, pie." The second is set in a pet AU where Jack is Governor of Colorado.
Date: January 2005
Daniel looked up at her through his lashes, which was almost unfair, and said "I'm not so sure this is a good idea."
Sam just smiled, trying to figure if she could angle the desk-lamp so the glare off Daniel's monitor would temporarily blind him. "C'mon, it's this or paperwork."
"Sam," Daniel whined. He always tried that tone of voice, the one where he sounded like a kid trying to wheedle his way into a later bed-time. It wasn't going to work.
"Paperwork," she said, drumming her heels against the side of his desk. A couple of the African-esque statuettes from P7S-766 teetered precariously. "Long, mind-numbing forms about the estimated cost of glue and paperclips for the next fiscal year."
"Look," she continued, "we're not going anywhere until we have that meet-and-greet with the Governor."
"Jack says they'll be pie."
"And you've got nothing to do until the results from the excavation on 435 come back from the lab."
"I already had hand-to-hand with Jack. And Teal'c. I couldn't move for a week." He winced as he said it.
"Exactly!" Sam practically bounced, springing up from her perch on Daniel's desk. "Teal'c is a giant wall of muscle! You can't keep up with that."
"And it's not like you don't keep getting kidnapped anyway."
Daniel frowned, though Sam wasn't sure he had all that much honor to impugn. "I resent where this is going."
"You need to learn how to fight dirty. You gotta go for the eyes sometimes, you've gotta pull some hair." She smiled, then, baring a lot of bright-white teeth, "You're only gonna make it in this job if you learn how to fight like a girl."
Governor AU
The thing that Jack likes most about being Governor is that there's someone on payroll to cook for him at all hours of the night. On nights when he can't sleep, the knees are acting up or he's having strange dreams, whatever, he can call someone and they're paid to get him pie. It's the major upside, almost enough to balance out the mind-numbing decisions about water sanitation and which tie to wear to which press-conference and the endless piles of paperwork. He regrets that it's too late to change over to a shorter signature - he's gonna get some kind of repetitive stress syndrome from the O in O'Neill alone.
But actually, there's something he likes more than the actual pie. Every once in a while, Daniel gets back into town from the little excavations he's been running on the side, and Carter gets away from the mountain, and Teal'c allows himself to take some time off from standing slightly to the left and two steps back, and they all sit around the kitchen island eating pie filling straight out of the can and ice-cream straight out of the carton.
Jack likes being Governor, because there's a person on his staff to make sure they never run out.