Well a lot has happened! I'm moving to Fountain Vallewy California in 2 months. Yeay! But I'm sad to miss the people that mean a lot to me! So yeah. And I'm moving back in to my parents house at the end of the month. My birthday is Oct.10 haha ahhh!
i am so depressed. i feel like i'm having a continous panic attack. fuck i'm sooo scared to talk to my parents tommorow. i feel like I'm 13. money is evil. evil because it doesn't like me sigh.
So I've made a signifigant decision within the past couple days. I'm going to sign a 6 month lease at my apartments. (I've been paying month to month
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So apparently she already moved. I feel like I lost my best friend. Oh wait, I did. But I am greatful for the friends I do have (that are sitting to my left.) So I'm fucking excited that I only have to pay half as much as I thought for my car insurance. Sigh. And I'm hanging out with a boy on sat. grrr rent is due. I fucking hate the 1st of the