Title: Bind Me With Your Love Main Characters: Akanishi Jin, Kamenashi Kazuya Warning: Boys' Love ahead Rating: PG-13 Genre: Alternate Universe, Drama, Love Story Summary: Yes I am a sinner because I fall for him.
OMG Brother complex. Kazu-nii and otouto Jin <3 At first I was very suprised because Kazu was older than Jin but it's interesting <3 innocent *or baka* Jin's a cute otouto ne <3 But Kazu-chan's bad. Kazu-chan's baka here.
Ahh, surely an interesting fic and I can't wait for more. I wish you to update this fic super fast ;__;
Omg I've missed so much because of this pretty littlr thing called unlimited txting and I'm just so happy I read this first bcuz it made me get into the mood for akame fanfic again!!!!!!!
Comments 11
meeee likes older kame XD
At first I was very suprised because Kazu was older than Jin but it's interesting <3 innocent *or baka* Jin's a cute otouto ne <3
But Kazu-chan's bad. Kazu-chan's baka here.
Ahh, surely an interesting fic and I can't wait for more. I wish you to update this fic super fast ;__;
i can't wait for more.
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