The season finale of Doctor Who. There were so many awesome things in this episode that I don't even know from where to begin.
From all the theories that went flying around I never heard one where Amy was inside the Pandorica. Heck, it didn't even occur to me. The whole episode was just insane. In a good way. Probably what made it so great was the fact that the whole season was LINKED TOGETHER. An ending that wasn't a surprise dropped bomb at the end. I mean, don't get me wrong I loved RTD's seasons and let's face it he had some of the most heartbreaking moments on the show, but his finales were kinda sudden. They were good but sudden. I knew Moffat wouldn't disappoint, anyway, man did he do a great job. We'll have to wait and see for next season and who/what is Silence and finally uncovering the mystery that is River Song.
There were just so many great things about this episode. I loved the Doctor going back and forth between time with his mop. We finally got Amy and Amelia together in scenes together, we saw Rory's devotion and love for Amy and we saw once again the Doctor scarifying himself for the universe, but hey, if he lives at the end of the day, what's not to love? River as always was bad ass, and let's face it, I might tend to think she is somewhat evil (in a good way, because I refuse to believe she will harm the Doctor) since we saw the Dalek begging her for mercy. Let me say that again. The Dalek begged River Song for mercy! I mean, who the hell is she? Who or what can she be, that the Daleks fear her so much? I loved the little chat at the end between River and the Doctor how he got all confused about her answer. At least we know that either she is married, or she accepted the indirect marriage proposal of the Doctor. We also know that we'll find out about her next season (very soon better mean next season), and what's we do find out, everything will "never be the same". Quoting Ten I say: "Oh, I can't wait, allons-y!"
THEN RORY AND AMY GOT MARRIED! THEY GOT A HAPPY ENDING! I am not dreaming all this right? They actually got a happy ending. Moffat gave them a happy ending! I love you Steven Moffat!
And the Doctor danced the most embarrassing dance in the whole wide universe! That is beyond epic!
And most importantly: They all went into the TARDIS, alive, where they stayed happily ever after, until the Christmas Special that is. See you Christmas 2010 you three wonderful people!
Let's not forget the Doctor and his fez!