i was thinking to myself today and i missed you alot in my thinking. and i thought that i would read your lj to see how your life is going and what thoughts you've been thinking but i couldn't see your heart through your writing and i miss the sister that you were to me and how much i loved the time that i spent with you and i want you to know that i will always look at you as a sister who i love and will always be there for, and i never have stopped thinking and praying for you, and i never will forget the way that you could make me feel so mature and sophisticated while i was giggling at the stupid things that we would do, and i love you alot hannah. and that's all i can think of to say at the moment, but even though i can't see you right now, i send to you many hugs, and lots of laughing, and smiles, and giggles, and toilet paper so that you can go and have fun decorating peoples houses. and lots of times i wish that things were different and that they had never changed but wishing never did anything for anyone and genies don't
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