Im so drubjk and stoned ad I yrelled at him saying evertything and we dicidedon talking tomortrow after wrk. which isd better than now lol.. i cant type sorry !!! took me being dfrubk to talk amd now we talk tomorow .. we pinky promised sweet godo nighrt!
Where could he be? He was suppost to be home a little after 12.. Now 3:12AM... gone with my car on triple c with paul this can't be good. I am way too worried. =/
So I REALLY don't think anyone reads this anymore BUT I start work tomorrow! Woo WOo!! Well actually technically it's today at 10am at Tarzha [however you would spell that] aka Target.. in the jewelery department I'm scurred. Well I guess I'm out for now. GOOD NIGHT! <2+2-1 = < 3 [.heart.]