This is Kinda Dumb

Apr 16, 2007 03:21

Click here.
Take the quiz.
Post your results.
1) What would you do if _random_dent_ died? be frolicless!
2) Is boundkitty8 athletic? erm, does kink count?
3) Would semi_conscious go out with captain_bonk? probably not
4) What word best describes butthead80? dunno
5) Does 1ittle1otte go to your school? no
6) Does nehima have a big secret? he like your mom
7) Does _random_dent_ do drugs? no
8) How would nehima conquer the world? with cheeze wiz
9) Does silver_shoes have a dog? not yet!
10) Has honey_nuts been to your house/dorm? nope
11) thelilipages's hair color? brown
12) One quality you find attractive in pester? dedication
13) Where did you first meet drunkengoat? rez
14) If drunkengoat took over the world, who would be happy? all the kyds!
15) When did you last call boundkitty8? can't remember
16) Thoughts on semi_conscious? PoComption
17) What animal should fuckedupinpink be combined with? a rabbit
18) Are drunkengoat and missycarolynne married? nope
19) What exotic animal would thegoblinqueen1 like as a pet? snake
20) Could you see korrupt_333 and soulspew together? nope
21) Would you set up bio_kink and _random_dent_? no
22) Does sciencequeen have a crush on pinstripe_suit? no
23) Do you think whimsicalzephyr is hot? do I really have to answer that?
24) If bio_kink and usebothhands were siamese twins where would they be joined? at the pelvis
25) If ropeandgrope were hanging off a cliff, what would _random_dent_ do? stomp on their hands
26) How long have you known usebothhands? 6 ish years
27) Has pester dyed their hair? not for awhile
28) Which of your friends should nunswithguns go out with? the most emo one
29) Is i_chaos_bringer friends with valkyrja_bc? maybe
30) Did xsuecatwomanx break up with you? no, not yet anyway
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