I'm at school and we're supposed to be doing research for our New England project. Or something. Yeah I don't know.
We have a game today!! And I'm pretty excited about
it. Yay for lacrosse. And Dave is coming! Woop, so
that should be good, I'm pretty excited about that too.
I totally want that. THAT right there <-----.
I should probably do something productive now. Corey and I are
going to have a llama riding business. We're going to do birthday
parties and stuff, and instead of ponies we'll have llamas.
Because llamas are obviously better than ponies. Actually ponies
rule too. But llamas are BETTER. Oh yes.
love you baby, more than anything ever and I can't wait to seeeee
youuuuuu..I'm sorry you have to ride in the car with my mommy and watch
the game with her and stuff. I'm sorry, lol. I LOVE
YOUUUUUU<3, very very much. Forever and ever and ever and ever!