Campus CIT did something to the internet and so it's much more difficult to use BT. Grr. It takes so long. I need my fix! It's a good thing I didn't start obsessing over anime until high school because I would have never have let my male friends talk to me. "Hush, let me bask in the glow of Takayama Minami!" Anime has ruined me for teenaged voices.
Raw-manga saw the way the wind was going and released a high quality version of Bleach 195 before they released a low quality version of anything else. You can download it
here, and you should, even if you're not up to date on Bleach, because everyone will be talking about it. Think of it as self-defense. Or a preemptive strike, even.
Karas 02 is out and downloading slowly but surely. Argh. I'll start the upload when it finishes, probably in the next 30 minutes. Why is it that I can still upload at something near the speed of light, I wonder?
It's all Becky's fault, but I'm feeling the urge to go and hunt down YamiMatsu fic. She uploaded the fansubbed versions. (They have the OP/ED karaoke! I had the dvd-rips, and I also believe they were edited. It's quite clear Muraki raped Hisoka in the fansubs, and previously, I didn't realize what had happened that night until I read the manga.) For all that I believe Tsuzuki/Hisoka is the one true pairing, the pairing to rule them all, I have a secret fondness for Tatsumi/Tsuzuki done right. And Muraki anything. That reminds me! The manga is continuing! *rummages*