Lithi Leafleaf (12:44:29 AM): Oh for the love of assrape... Lithi Leafleaf (12:44:39 AM): Terr is right. Lithi Leafleaf (12:45:15 AM): All these Faghag-"OMG GAY BOYS ARE SO KAWAII"-Hos need to be put down.
;D; Not even the gay men want to put up with you...
But since people have started liking Pokemon a bit again...I'll post this.. XD It's the translation to Pikachu and Nyaasu's song...It's disturbing. XDDD ...Yet cute? XD
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Well. Anyway. Looks like my LJ is gonna have to be Friends-only to prevent people spying and stuff. Saa. Sorry people without LJs. Comment here if you have an LJ and I'll add you unless I hate you.