I am selfish, I am wrong. I am rignt, I'm swear I'm right. Swear I knew it all along And I am FLAWED, But I am CLEANING up soo well, I am seeing in me now The things you swore you saw yourself... So let me slip away.... hope dangles on a string... like slo spinning redemption
its been a while since i've last updated... just been basicly chillin with the hommies...trying to stay home more...but i can't...not feelin' hollywoodvideo anymore...but shit i need money...
who is up for just chillin with me this weekend? ha damn im desperate!
the other day my bestfriend michelle came over and brought me breakfast...yes i know you all are jealous!!!
haha i had the best time just catching up with chelle...and yes people do change A LOT after High School...haha you know what i'm talking about chelle *sniff*