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I decided to just arrange it by lyrics! :P
When my breath is getting cold because of getting sick on beer
You whispering in my ear in the darkness
Beginning is the beginning of the end, GD keeps having dreams of Top on the beach. ( right before he gets the call from dead!Top)
Oh (Faith) Oh Oh Oh (Destiny) Oh Oh (Love) I can’t block my tears
Oh (Faith) Oh Oh Oh (Destiny)
Oh Oh (Love) We can’t stop time
Running scene is a metaphor for GD chasing Top's spirit to the hospital at end.
Toss aside a forgotten paradise
Hide your ripped wings
Throw it all away at night
Change your shy walk
With the bright neon lights
My sudden shadow
No one knows
I’m hungry and my heart tightens my throat
GD thinking on how Top STOLE HIS GIRLFRIEND like a BITCH.
A desolate town
Big nails on my two palms
This place deprived of Mecca
This is the price of my love
A star heaven threw away, a girl destiny didn’t even know
I want to open my eyes and breathe with you
I threw my wings away…
Which Top did because he was jealous whenever he saw them. JEALOUS OF THE GIRL. >O AIGOO RETARD.
I can’t breathe, my eyes won’t open
This place catches my breath
A thought that exploded
Because my heart was cut off and blackened
A purging scent
Cut off my wings of reasoning power
The moonlight swallows the blade
Racing through the dark night
Even without those words
Hold you and fly to wherever
To an island covered in a fog of regret
Even the punishment of cutting out my heart
I’ll wait patiently and endure it
For you, even the sea and the mountains
Alongside the ground and the sky
I’ll love you until you become a star
So GD runs into Top and said girlfriend and is pissed, Jumps on car, Top tries to act all smug, etc etc
When my breath is getting cold because of getting sick on beer
You whispering in my ear in the darkness
I’m flying with the smile in my dreams
Because I have you as wings…
I’m flying with you in my dreams…
Tossing this cold world aside and flying
Top keeps thinking of GD (cue grinning GD <3) even when he's with said girlfriend. GD (supposed to be next day) Figures out that he likes Top.
Oh (Faith) Oh Oh Oh (Destiny) Oh Oh (Love) I can’t block my tears
Oh (Faith) Oh Oh Oh (Destiny)
Oh Oh (Love) We can’t stop time
Top (the previous night) goes driving around all pissed, GD (next day) is running to go confess to Top.
Bright red sunshine
My heart that has started yearning for you
My eagerness to choose you
My love that betrayed heaven
But living inside your embrace
Laying down on the ground, searching for destiny
Looking for another dimension to live in
Grow new wings and fly
I’ll follow you to the ends of the earth
Like a crashing wave in the sea
With arms, legs, and wings that have been cut off
Because I loved, immorality has been betrayed
Even in the cold desert a flower blooms
I left everything and our love is breathing behind the streetlight
Scene where GD is at the window, going to confess to Top, Top is going to go break up with said GF and confess to GD, GD thinks he sees Top with girlfriend (doesn't it look like GD is saying 'Seunghyun'?) Top thinks that GD is really in love with girl. Both = EMO.
When my breath is getting cold because of getting sick on beer
You whispering in my ear in the darkness
I’m flying with the smile in my dreams
Because I have you as wings…
I’m flying with you in my dreams…
Tossing this cold world aside and flying
In scene top is actually breaking up with girl and telling her to be with GD (check out her face, btw. >_<) GD misunderstands, Top is avoidant, but pissed. They end up fighting each other like crazy fuckers.
A lot actually happens right here, I couldn't really fit it all in in the way I wanted. >_< Basically, Top goes to the clinic (see flashes of him reading the paper, being all shocked-ish) and finds out he's dying (MAGIC DEATH DISEASE). Runs into GD right after, Gives him the ring and tells him 'it's supposed to be for you. Go be happy with her'
I’m flying with the smile in my dreams
Because I have you as wings…
I’m flying with you in my dreams…
Tossing this cold world aside and flying
Oh (Faith) Oh Oh Oh (Destiny) Oh Oh (Love)
Oh (Faith) Oh Oh Oh (Destiny)
Oh Oh (Love)
Oh (Faith) Oh Oh Oh (Destiny) Oh Oh (Love) I can’t block my tears
Oh (Faith) Oh Oh Oh (Destiny)
Oh Oh (Love) We can’t stop time
Top ends up dying, and is calling GD from the great beyond to 'confess' to him. But GD knows what's up! and runs to the hospital, but TOO late! Top is le dead. End!