So I have this strange desire to know what my f-list looks like. I realized it was kinda hypocritical of me not to post what I looked like as well, so...
In case you were wondering:
I'm 19. My mothers Caucasian-American and my father's African American. I pretty much identify as neither, mostly because I grew up white, but I'm obviously not.
Note: My face is small, but I'm actually about 100 lbs overweight. T___T So no pictures of my body, sorry.
Usually I look like some strange combination of races, depending mostly on how I do my hair...?
>:D AHAHAHAHAHAHA. Anyways, you can't tell in these pics, but I have have really bad skin. The wonders of makeup, hmm...
Also, I look like a man. No, really. -_______- it's kind of sad. When I was a kid, people always mistook me for a boy. And when I did the celebrity face-recognizing thingy, guess what? 8/10 of the faces were men (Asian men, to be exact.)
In fact, who do I look like? TOP. DO NOT LAUGH I AM SO SERIOUS.
you can actually see it much more in the pictures where I'm looking straight at the camera. But, uh, I deleted them.... cuz I looked like a man. -_-