Title: Wake-up Call Rating: NC-17 Pairings: GD/everyone mostly Perry/GD Summary: GD is a whore rapist jerk. Perry should've stayed asleep. Author's Notes: Many many thanks to mtembo for awesome beta-ing. <3
Ooookkaaayyyy, I'm not gnna read this until I can get someone to tell me who Perry is. lol I keep picturing this gross old American man like a manager or something cause I've read other fics with him involved but I don't know who he is and I don't know how to google it cause nothing comes up and it's frustrating.... but if you tell me who it is, I shall GLADLY read this. :D
YES. I think that's all I can say right now. Wonderful characterisation, Young-bae and Seung-ri being my favourites, and just... YES. More porn to the world, that's what I think.
Comments 26
I love it! Thanks for writing!
I keep picturing this gross old American man like a manager or something cause I've read other fics with him involved but I don't know who he is and I don't know how to google it cause nothing comes up and it's frustrating.... but if you tell me who it is, I shall GLADLY read this. :D
Perry's this dude. :3
Thank you for this <3
Ps. yes, dirty talk~
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