I waited five hours to be in the front to see them. It only lasted 10-15 minutes but it was so worth it!
The crowd screamed like 10 million times, and they were only just false alarms. So when they finally showed up, like 30 minutes late, I was shocked. I didn't even see them till they were walking up on stage.
They wouldn't stop screaming so it was really hard to hear. So basically they asked how did they relate to their characters. Nikki said Kristen was clumsy, and then Kristen asks Nikki the same question with a really expectant look as if to say she was a bitch in real life, jokingly obviously. x] Nikki just laughed and shook her head.
Then Kristen was asked to say something. A guy basically wrote down that he loved his girlfriend and she was his Bella. The crowed 'Awwed' and stuff.
Kristen was fierce of course, and Nikki seems like such a sweetheart. This girl in the crowd was about to cry and Nikki frowned at her. Then some girl made a heart with her hands and she did the same thing back.
It was short, but still really amazing to be that close them them. :D
Click here for the video.