Here we go again
For the record:
During my absence I allowed my girls to use my LJ account.
Both girls are very much of an age to read anything and everything here, including HBQ. (23 and 19) Hell it’s nothing they don’t know already and if they don’t like what they read they can switch off.
However the main reason they were given access was to keep in touch with me as my mail system did not cooperate with the ships wireless connection.
Now that I am back and settled (to a degree) they will, if they want to continue reading, open their own accounts.
There is no big deal here.
For some reason my password no longer worked (perhaps I had been offline too long, who knows) and I thought (wrongly) that perhaps one of them for whatever reason had changed my password since a lot of my settings seemed to be tweaked too.
The ships wireless network was not secure!!!
Anywhere I went could be viewed by others.
Why I have to explain this to anyone is beyond me but it seems to be necessary in the name of “dramatics” that I am wholly and solely sick to the back teeth of.!!!!
Life is so full of ups downs and in-betweens that I can’t in all honesty take part in this crap anymore. Life does not and should not revolve around drama!! But it seems it does and no matter how one shuns it, it just keeps happening. Get a life!! Get a grip!!
A few hours ago my mother-in-law passed away. I knew before the call came because she has visited me twice in my dreams of late. I had tried ~gently~ to prepare the children and their father for this passing. (my medical background BC is sometimes the bain of my life).
A mother’s life is never an easy one especially in times like this yet when you have to tell your youngsters news like this. Mummy’s can fix everything seemingly. How I wish I could take their pain away right now and how I wish we were not so far away.
Fortunately my Ex knows my dreams and took action and was in Scotland, in time.
Kathleen and I had a very deep understanding. She ruled her house ~s~ I ruled mine and never the twain would cross. She was in essence one of the strongest women I have ever had the pleasure of knowing and I will miss her deeply.
See life throws you some “real” doozies every so often. Real crackers. Just when you think things can’t get any worse you get pulled up by the boot straps and then look at the insignificance of the insignificant “you and I knows” ………… it just makes me shake my head.
Life does not begin and end with the trivialities or the slip of the tongue internet bible.
BC=Before Children