Finally got around to yoinking this from Chaos. xDD
Six ships you're into right now:
ShikaSasu (Naruto)
MaruRoku (KH)
AlbelxFayt (Star Ocean: TTEOT)
BalthierxVaan (FFXII-XII: Revenant Wings)
ItaGaa (Naruto)
MaruRiku (KH)
Three ships you liked, but don't anymore:
SasuNaru (Naruto) *gag*
AkuRoku (KH) *gags even worse*
RikuSora (KH)
Three ships you never liked:
NaruSaku (Naruto)
Two ships you're curious about, but don't actually ship:
VexRox (KH)
MaruNami (KH)
Why do you dislike #11 so much?
.....It's Sasuke. And Sakura. WHAT MORE DO I NEED TO SAY??
Okay, for a long detailed explaination: Sakura is just forcing herself to believe she's in love with Sasuke and keeps trying to place herself into this image she sees of what love is and is only obsessed with the fact it's Sasuke, not that she really sees him as him, she's just caught up in the fact that every other girl wants him. Sasuke would never go for her in the canon like she is. Now, if she were more like my timeskip!Sakura after she's ironed out her old self and became more realistic, then, maybe, but I still don't see it happening.
Who is someone you know that ships #14?
Not personally, no. It would be interesting if I did. xDD
What would be your ideal scenario for couple #3?
If I went through the trouble to explain this, Jamie would kill me for going OOC. I'd rather not have that happen, so I'll keep silent about it.
Which is your favorite moment for couple #1?
Canonically? When Shika yells at Sasuke that he's an idiot. xDD;; Fictionally, in my rp world with Jamie? I'd have to ask you which Universe. xDD There's too many to name.
How long have you been following couple #6?
Oh, god. For a few years now. I can't remember. xDD;; It's Genes's fault for it all starting.
What's the story with #8?
......It got too popular for one, and the second is that I hate how they portrayed Axel in KH2. I lost my favor for him after that. He's supposed to be this cunning, arrogant asshole and they made him some pussywhipped moron. HELLO. Plus, really, when I think about it, would Roxas really ever truly reciprocate any of Axel's advances? I kinda doubt it...
You have the power to make one ship non-existent. Choose from #10 or #12.
SasuIno. Don't get me wrong, I love Ino, but...seriously, that pairing has to go. I can deal with NaruSaku, that's okay, but...*twitch* Yeaaahh, SasuIno definitely has to go.
Which ship do you prefer, #2 or #4?
Definitely MaruRoku more. I got the new KH game today and just went on a mission with Marluxia... It was squee-able.
What interests you about #14?
Not really sure, I just have this curiosity about it. If circumstances were different in the game, I could actually seeing those two being either really close like siblings or an OTP. I just... xD I dunno. It's weird and hard to explain.
Why did you stop liking #7?
For a long list of reasons. Let's just say that one, it got too popular, and two, they cancel one another out in a BAD way. There'd be absolutely no chemestry whatsoever. That and Sasuke and Naruto could do better than one another to stick with, they just have to get over the whole 'i hate you but you're my best friend' thing in order to do so. Maybe it'd ruin the friendship, but it'd be better in the end. Nothing good would come of SasuNaru.
Did your waning interest in #9 kill your interest in the series?
At least where Sora is concerned, yeah. But I still love KH despite that. I love the other aspects to the game where it doesn't focus so much on Sora. Which is why the new KH game is perfect for me. <3
What’s a song that reminds you of #5?
Universe by Savage Garden. It's soft, slow, and sweet. The lyrics would fit them, too. Canonically, anyway. In the AU's we created, there's a bunch of other songs I could list soo...we'll not get into that.
If you could have any of these two pairings double-date, who would it be?
ShikaSasu and AlbelFayt, the mental image amuses me because I could just see Sasuke and Albel in a glaring contest the whole time. They have that whole 'must be better' issue and so I can just imagine so many amusing things happening.
Have #2 kissed yet?
Series wise? I WISH. ;_; In my head and AR's? Definitely! Speaking of, Marluxia went on this total Gasm-tangent about Roxas in the new KH game, it was amusing to see and thus furthered my belief in the pairing. xD
Did #4 have a happy ending? If the series hasn't ended yet, do you think a happy ending is likely?
Yeah, I'd say they have a happy endng. Canonically and in my head. Though there'd be some disasters here and there. xDD There was this amusing question this Yarhi/Esper asked me in Revenant wings about who I secretly admired... I answered Balthier. Then there was this cutscene in the storyline where Balthier loses to this person-thing and then there's a journal entry by Kytes about how he was worried and then Vaan replies about how "The leading man always has something bad happen to him in the first act, but everything comes out alright in the end" and that "He'll be back before they even have a chance to miss him." xDD If that does not imply things, then you people are bliiiinnnd.
What would make you start shipping #13?
Actually this one scene in my new KH game would... Roxas is going on his first few days of new missions and when it comes to Vexen, all the guy says to him is: "You're mine today, Roxas" nonchalantly, but wtf, it sounds like a fucking proposal! And what does our silent, emofied blond teen have to say to this? "Uhh, alright..." ALRIGHT?!?! xDDD Jeez, I'm amused at it. Plus I saw these two drawings this person made on Y!Gallery of Vexen molesting Roxas. xDD it was amusing. So, the ideas are implanted here in my head, I just...I'm not sure if I can handle another KH pairing. xDD
If only one could happen, which would you prefer, #2 or #6?
OMFG YOU JUST HAD TO ASK THIS, DIDN'T YOU?! xDDD I can't decide on this one! I've been a MaruRoku fan longer than MaruRiku but I love them both.
You have the power to decide the fate of #10. What happens to them?
Sakura would realize she doesn't need to rely on Naruto (or Sasuke, for that matter) for anything and become truly independant, confidant, and become the best medic-nin like Tsunade. Naruto should give up his obsession for Sakura, he already slightly knows she'll never love him back and that she only leans on him to use him in some way. Plus, he'd have to wisen up some more and get stronger, but he'd become Hokage The series would be much different if they were like this. Maybe if they were like that, THEN it'd work out, but I'm biased and believe Sakura should be with Neji, sooo... We'll just say that this is as good as it gets.
And that's all I really have to say on this. xDDD