Hisagi/Kira x2
Graceful bow and Diagonal
about the drawings:
ehm... i dunno. i never know what to write. what do you want to know? or do you just want to see the drawings and not have to scroll past my rambling?
i was drawing on this one when E (a friend of mine that is living in my apartment atm) came home and asked me what i was drawing and if she could see. so i showed her and she went like: "oh, it's really sweet but she looks a bit like a guy". i didn't tell her that indeed that was the whole point. she also wondered what the weird things that were stuck on hisagi's face were. T_T
hisagi's hair caused me tremendous trouble. and his mouth too. it's always so troublesome with male mouths because they shouldn't be very dark since that makes them look female. sighs.
this one didn't turn out like i wanted it to. i had so much trouble with hisagi's face. it's always hisagi that is the most troublesome to draw. ... ok, no it's not, but he is harder to draw since he don't look anything like my character designs would ever look