Nifty! My first meme-thingy! Uuuh comment on my journal and I tell you five subjects I think about when I think of you, and then YOU take THOSE SUBJECTS and elabourate on them in your own journal! HOW ABOUT THAT?!
Here are the ones that Ica chose for me:
Something in music absolutely drives practically everything that I do. Oddly enough, this is something that I didn't notice until a handful of years ago. Music does that though. It infects you at some point in time and it just lies there, seemingly dormant until you realize it's gotten you right when you needed it the most. It can't be taken away from you, no matter what. Be struck blind and deaf, the music will always be in your head. When I came to realize that, I was walking alone to a bus stop with a lot on my mind and I suddenly realized how blue the sky was, and the clouds were so perfect. I realized I had a song in my head- don't laugh- The Promise, by When in Rome, and I had this big stupid smile on my face. From then on, I always had my CD player on me (ffff iPod nowadays) when I left the house. When I was at home, I always had my radio on and a lot of what I listened to just carried on into my art. I can't live without music, nothing about me would be the same. My art, my personality, and my moods would all suffer if I couldn't have my music all the time.
I've gotten many a cousin into anime music, Jrock and Jpop, but for the most part, a lot of my family can't stand my strange taste in music. I'm an 80's Baby through and through and that music has stuck with me strongly. Can you guess my favourite song?? I'll give you a hint: I'm not giving you a hint. <3 And here's another hint: There ARE hints.
Mum told me I used to sing the full German version of 99 Luft Balloons from my carseat, which is sad because I don't think I know it now the whole thing now.
► Dreams
Dreams... This is a tough one. When it comes to having dreams of going on and doing certain things with your life, I have very few. Some people dream of going on and doing bigger and better things with their lives. Work, places to live. Life goals. I have two: Do something with my "talent", and to close the distance between myself and the one I love care about. Other than my two life dreams, my dreams are completely reserved for what they were meant to be. Dreams. Those impossible things that you just can never do in your waking life that make you love having a dream so much. I dream of flying and seeing music, characters I'll never meet and places that don't exist. Or having those dreams about things you might do someday, but maybe your mind is just too impatient. You see your friends in other countries and don't realize you're asleep. You spend three days with them and wake up having only been asleep for two hours. Sure, it's a little sad, but it was so real, you could swear they hugged you goodbye.
I have some really, really creative, vivid dreams too. They seem like movies or TV shows a lot of the time and I'll wake up remembering every detail. If I don't tell someone about them almost as soon as I wake up, I'll forget them, though, and it usually makes me pretty sad because there will be "characters" in these dreams that I'll feel like are lost forever with nobody to remember them. But! I do tend to entertain people while I recall my dreams and share them with them. Especially if it involves characters of theirs. My dreams also inspire a lot of doodles and sketches. Sometimes finished art.
► RP
From the very beginning, I only played OCs. I started RPing when I was Thirteen years old in an AOL chatroom called Knothole. As the name suggests, it was a Sonic RP. My character was a female fox called Bandit who I played until I was about fifteen. Over twelve years Bandit eventually went from a shapeless Sonic character into a full blown sexy chick that looked like she should be wearing clothes but wasn't. She now has four children, five if you count the alternate universe version of one of her sons that she accepted into her family. Yeah, she's got two tails, but she didn't start that way. When I was actually RPing with someone, they decided "Hey! Let me make Bandit into some kind of ripoff character and slice her tail in half in a fight!" and since I was just a kid, I didn't realize that godmoding didn't mean you absolutely had to go along with it, and that you could actually not make that part of your characters canon if you wanted. XD
I kept RPing with friends in IMs, and when I got to high school, I actually RPed in notes that went on for pages and pages. (This was the OC acception- I played Vegeta against a terrible Mary Sue) After that, "Shinji" got me into a forum RP called Dark World. A post apocolyptic game where I played a number of characters. I was hooked... We moved on to other boards, and eventually Shinji made her own that I would co mod, then moved up to admin in other boards. Unfortunately it was a love 'em and leave 'em thing and if we came up with some awesome idea for another one to work on, it would get all of our attention and our old ones would die. Ah, but then I graduated to Discedo... Thanks to Ica, who encouraged me to join, and now I just will never look back. This is my first time playing on LJ, and my first time playing with nothing but existing characters. It's so much better than what I used to do.
► Art
Art? I fail at it! Can't draw backgrounds, can't draw certain animals, can't draw realistically, can't do much of anything really! But what I can do, and have always done, is cartoon. Mum says I've been drawing ever since I could hold something to draw with. Of course I would remember nothing about that, but I spent lots of time scribbling on our pure white wall in the hallway, on the side of the stairwell. Nearly every week my dad would have to repaint my giant canvas because I just couldn't stop. If I got my hands on Nintendo instruction booklets like Zelda or Mario, you best be believing I was drawing those characters all over the walls. (However bad they may have looked) I remember finally he yelled at me and said that if I did it again, he would force me to paint the wall. Well, being the curious little bastard I was when it came to things that made pretty colours and pictures come out on a canvas, I drew on the wall once more, just so I could hold that paint brush. I painted that wall all by myself, and was proud of it. I never drew on it again.
Nowadays, people would lump me into a category with all the other "aspiring manga artists" or whatever. It's hard for me, because anime and video games (and American cartoons too) is something I have literally drawn for probably 22 years of my life. It's always been my style. I want people to see that it's part of who I am, and not some stupid weeaboo trend. They make people like us look bad. They get themselves into the Art Institute on little to no talent, rip things off, and then go home and eat Pocky while they watch Naruto, cry, and masturbate, not necessarily in that order. Can you taste my bitterness? Here, have a lick.
PS- Here's a disclaimer: That was a very general description of the kind of people I'm bitching about and it could apply to pretty much anyone, including loads of my friends. It's not those particular things that makes them what I can't stand- hell I sit around eating Pocky and watching anime. I used to watch Inuyasha (before it came out over here) and all this other stuff. I'm a loser. XD Proud to be one! But my life isn't based around that shit. Know what I mean? No, you don't because neither do I. XD
... DO NOT BELIEVE THEIR TEARS, THEY ARE LIES. Also beware of the ticking.