In between my lazy studying and haphazard attempts to do everything else...
(1) Some text adventure silliness:
One of the ceiling panels is missing, leaving a rectangular gap above you.
> Jump.
You bend and leap. Your fingers brush the edge of the hole - catch, and you concentrate on holding on. Your feet swing gently a foot above the floor.
Uh! A sharp edge is digging into one finger. You shift your grasp hastily, but a few drops of blood smear across the hole's lip.
> Go down.
You drop lightly to the ground, flexing your fingers.
> Examine hand.
You can't see any such thing.
> Look at hand.
You can't see any such thing.
> Look at blood.
A smear of your blood is visible on one of the light-strips that edge the missing panel.
> Examine finger.
You can't see any such thing.
> Examine your finger.
You can't see any such thing.
> Examine bloodied finger.
You can't see any such thing.
> Examine your bloody finger. >| You need medical attention.
You can't see any such thing.
> ... :/ Not even a bandaid?|
Spider and Web. Liking it so far. EDIT: removed a bit.
(2) I downloaded
Stellarium the other week, after being stricken with the odd urge to stargaze to music from
Planetarian (a Visual Novel). Primed the program, started the music, switched off the lights, and closed the blinds.
This was the result (~5 mb, streamed). I have a feeling I used the wrong music, but ... it was nostalgic.
(3) Visual novel and text adventure ideas are niggling at the back of my brain again. The two mediums have a lot in common. From my perspective, the main thing keeping the two apart is how you input your actions: for visual novels, you get presented with the available choices, while in text adventures you have to make a guess of what those are based on what you read.
(4) The seasons-- fall, winter, spring, summer-- come in fours. In Chinese, four sounds like "death". In spite of myself, I thought I might have stumbled on something, and ran up the stairs to write this down. Four being an unlucky number in Chinese is related to the way it sounds, but what if the similarity is merely an observation about the workings of nature? The likelihood of this being accurate is low. Still, it's a nice thought, and certainly changed my view on the subject.
(5) Some miscellany:
02/07: When one of your thoughts is: 'Ah, screw it, I'll just eat all of it,' you know you're not in one of the less fortunate regions in the world.
02/10: Tongue-in-cheek humour is the best sort of humour, IMHO.
02/12: Music is a work of art like any other, with its own caveats and strokes of wondrous genius.
*The music of True Remembrance is simple, but compelling. Mere lines of melody tinking, like the snow that is the story's motif. As the snow gradually melts, the tinkling's replaced by the fullness of the summer skies...
*I can't make use of a word until I make use of it.
*The art of making graphics is, for the most part, in my case, the art of abusing Photoshop filters.
02/24: Using "Requiem of a Dream" for a beer commercial-- the depravity of the advertising world is boundless.