Title: Tea Party
Rating: G
Warning: None, bad writing
Disclaimer: Not true. Wish it were, but with better writing.
A/N: so it's kind of ridiculous to me that this is the first piece of football slash I'm ever posting. Mostly because I've devoured all the fics I can find and I start writing a million stories, etc etc. But all the fics I posted thus far
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Comments 7
Amazing! The hot pink feather boa made me laugh out loud, as well as the image of San Iker sitting patiently at a tea party. Then I did alot of "awww"s and smiles. I flat out loved this!
i loved this. so. much. sweet as sugar. and daniela!!
it was adorable. how sweet they both are with daniela and how concerned iker is to make her happy. and then their conversation and the thought of them as old men still playing. i loved it
and Daniela is an adorable and lovely kid~
daddy sergi and papa iker~haha~~cute family
love u fic!~~keep writing more abt they two
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